Международные отношения / Реферат: Palestinian liberation organization (Международные отношения)

Административное право
Арбитражный процесс
Банковское дело
Безопасность жизнедеятельности
Биржевое дело
Бухгалтерский учет
Валютные отношения
Военная кафедра
Государство и право
Гражданское право и процесс
Деньги и кредит
Иностранные языки
Искусство и культура
Исторические личности
Коммуникации и связь
Литература : зарубежная
Литература : русская
Масс-медиа и реклама
Международное публичное право
Международное частное право
Международные отношения
Муниципальное право
Начертательная геометрия
Сельское хозяйство
Таможенная система
Теория государства и права
Теория организации
Трудовое право
Уголовное право и процесс
Хозяйственное право
Цифровые устройства
Экологическое право

Реферат: Palestinian liberation organization (Международные отношения)

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has been the embodiment of
the Palestinian national movement. It is a broad national front, or an
umbrella organization, comprised of numerous organizations of the
resistance movement, political parties, popular organizations, and
independent personalities and figures from all sectors of life. The Arab
Summit in 1974 recognized the PLO as the "sole and legitimate
representative of the Palestinian people" and since then the PLO has
represented Palestine at the United Nations, the Movement of Non-Aligned
Countries (NAM), the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), and in
many other fora. In addition to its broad national and political goals, the
PLO has dealt with numerous tasks with regard to the life of the
Palestinian people in their main communities and throughout the world
through the establishment of several institutions in such realms as health,
education and social services. As such, the PLO is more than a national
liberation movement striving to achieve the national goals of the
Palestinian people, including the establishment of a Palestinian state with
Jerusalem as its capital.
The PLO was established in 1964 with Arab support. At that time, the
PLO was headed by Mr. Ahmed Al-Shukairy and, since then, has undergone
significant changes in its composition, leading bodies, political
orientation, and even the locales of its headquarters. The leading bodies
of the PLO are the Palestine National Council (PNC), the Central Council,
and the Executive Committee. Political pluralism has remained a defining
feature of the organization, as have democratic internal dialogue and
attempts to reach decisions by consensus in its bodies, recognizing the
presence of many differing views and competing alliances throughout
different periods. In 1968, the organization witnessed the beginning of the
engagement of the Feda’iyeen organizations (armed struggle organizations),
particularly Fateh. In 1969, Yasser Arafat, leader of Fateh, became the
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO and, in 1971, he became the
General Commander of the Palestine Forces. His name has been synonymous
with the PLO and with the Palestinian national movement.
Since the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and
the convening of general elections in January 1996 in the Occupied
Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, which were preceded by the
return of most Palestinian leaders to their homeland, the Authority’s role
and responsibilities continue to increase, in some ways at the expense of
the PLO. In the Palestinian territory, as well as outside, Islamic groups
remain outside the PLO, which traditionally has not mixed religion and
In general, the current Palestinian situation is constantly changing
and progressing towards the establishment of a state and the building of a
Palestinian democracy. These changes will affect the PLO, but there is no
doubt that, at least for some time, the PLO will continue its role as a
very important Palestinian structure for the Palestinian people in the
Occupied Territories, in the refugee camps, and throughout the world.


I. Palestine National Council
The PNC, which is the highest decision-making body of the PLO, is
considered to be the parliament of all Palestinians inside and outside of
the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem. The PNC normally
sets PLO policies, elects the Executive Committee and makes the necessary
changes in its own membership, as well as changes to the Palestine National
Charter (a special meeting is required) and to the Fundamental Law of the
organization. The PNC also elects a speaker, two deputies and a secretary,
who make up the Bureau of the Council. The Council has its own standing
committees for various aspects of its work, such as its legal and political
committees. The composition of the PNC represents all sectors of the
Palestinian community worldwide and includes numerous organizations of the
resistance movement, political parties, popular organizations (each of the
above is represented by specific quotas) and independent personalities and
figures from all sectors of life, including intellectuals, religious
leaders and businessmen. The current membership of the PNC stands at X,
including all of the 88 elected members of the Palestine Legislative
Council (PLC).
II. Central Council
The Central Council, which was established by the PNC in 1973, is the
second leading body of the PLO. The Council functions as an intermediary
body between the PNC and the Executive Committee. At present, the
membership stands at 124, including 15 representatives of the PLC. The last
meeting of the Central Council took place in Gaza on 10 December 1998.
III. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is the daily leading body of the PLO and it
represents the organization at the international level. The Committee is
elected by the members of PNC and it is responsible to the PNC. Its main
function is to execute the policies and decisions set out by the PNC and
the Central Council. The Committee is also responsible for adopting a
budget and for overseeing the functioning of the departments of the PLO,
the responsibilities of which are distributed among its members. Decisions
of the Committee are taken by a simple majority. Its membership stands at
18, including its Chairman.
IV. Palestine National Fund
The Fund is managed by a board of directors and by a chairman who is
elected by the PNC and who automatically serves on the Executive Committee.
The other members of the board are appointed by the Executive Committee,
with a maximum of 11 members. Revenues for the fund come from two sources -
a fixed tax on the wages earned by all Palestinians living in Arab
countries and collected by those respective governments and from financial
contributions by Arab governments and peoples, an amount that in the past
was substantial.
V. Palestine Liberation Army
The Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) was established as the official
military branch of the PLO in 1964, in accordance with the resolutions of
the 1st Palestinian Conference (the 1st PNC). At that time, three brigades
were established: Ein Jalut in Gaza and Egypt, Kadissiyah in Iraq, and
Hiteen in Syria. In practice, those brigades were dominated by the general
command of the armed forces of their respective host countries. Over time,
however, changes were made to the PLA’s structure, including, for instance,
the establishment in 1968 of commando units in Gaza to fight against the
Israeli occupation, known as Kuwat al-Tahrir Al-Sha’biya (Popular
Liberation Troops). Recently, with the establishment of the Palestine
National Authority (PNA), important parts of those brigades in Egypt and
Jordan were absorbed into the PNA security forces.
VI. Departments
The Organization has established departments that are responsible for
several important spheres of work, each headed by a member of the Executive
Committee. The departments include the Political Department, the Department
of Returnees, the Department of Culture and Information, and the Department
of Popular Organizations. Of these, the Political Department is the
largest. It directs and supervises the work of Palestinian representation
abroad, including Palestinian embassies, missions and offices. The
Political Department also represents the PLO and the State of Palestine at
international conferences, such as those of the Movement of Non-Aligned
Countries (NAM) and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). (For
the addresses of all embassies look under the Directory of Palestinian
Embassies & Missions for the addresses of all embassies).
VII. Palestinian Institutions
The institutions of the PLO have achieved significant accomplishments
through the myriad of social, economic and health services that they
provide to Palestinian communities. Among the most important of these
institutions are the following:
• Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS): Established in 1968 in Jordan,
the PRCS provides medical and health care to the Palestinian people. The
PRCS started out with only several small clinics and grew into a
substantial medical network with hospitals and medical centers throughout
the region.
• Palestinian Martyrs Works Society (SAMED): SAMED provided, throughout
an important period, the economic infrastructure of the Palestinian
community. It had been established in 1970 originally to provide vocational
training to the children of Palestinian martyrs.
• Sons of Martyrs: This organization owns several important facilities
in the region that take care of the children of Palestinian martyrs.

Реферат на тему: Proposal of joint european project CHAIN-E

Directorate-General XXII - Education, Training and Youth

Tempus Tacis

application form for a

Mobility Joint European Project

for the Russian Federation

beginning in November 1998

We enclose documentation confirming that the other consortium members in
the project have endorsed the content of the application.

Name of the coordinating institution: University of Ghent

Name of the Coordinator: Name of the legal representative:

Mrs. Lieve Bracke Prof. Jacques Willems

Function: Director International Relations Office Function: Rector

Done at: the University of Ghent Done at: the University of Ghent

Date: Date:

Signature: Signature

Official stamp or seal of the coordinating institution


|C reation of the |
|H igher |
|A cademic |
|I nternational |
|N etwork for |
|E conomists |
|(CHAIN-E) |

Specific objective:
Creation of a mobility network for students in economics based on
internationalised curricula in the field of financial and industrial
management, banking and insurance.

In which language do you wish to receive future correspondence?:

English French German

Subject Area Code: 240 (Economics)

Project Coordinator (contact person at the coordinating and contracting

Title: Mrs. First name: Lieve Last name: Bracke
Sex: M F
Name of the institution: University of Ghent
Name of the department or faculty: International Relations Office
Address: Het Pand, Onderbergen 1
Country: Belgium Post code: 9000 Town: Ghent
Phone: 32/9/264.82.38 Fax: 32/9/264.83.99 E-mail:

Higher education institutions involved in the MJEP

Reference number: 1 - Coordinator Contact person: Lieve Bracke
Name of the institution: University of Ghent

Reference number: 2 - Second higher education institution Contact
person: Igor Kolobkov
Name of the institution: Ural State Vocational Pedagogic University (USVPU)
Name of the department or faculty: Institute of Economics and Law (USVPU),
Institute of Municipal Economy and Enterpreneurship.
Town: Ekaterinburg Country code: RF
Phone: 7/3432/31.23.52 Fax: 7/3432/31.94.63 E-mail:

Reference number: 3 - Third higher education institution Contact person:
Andrey Maltsev
Name of the institution: Ural State University of Economics
Name of the department or faculty: Faculty of Finance; Faculty of Trade and
Economics; Faculty of Economics; Faculty of Management and International
Economic Relations.
Town: Ekaterinburg Country code: RF
Phone: 7/3432/22.96.15 Fax: 7/3432/22.71.47 E-mail:

Reference number: 4 - Fourth higher education institution Contact
person: Darya Nesterova
Name of the institution: Ural State University
Name of the department or faculty: Faculty of Economics.
Town: Ekaterinburg Country code: RF
Phone: 7/3432/55.21.65 Fax: 7/3432/55.59.64 E-mail:

Reference number: 5 - Fifth higher education institution Contact person:
Oleg Nikonov
Name of the institution: Ural State Technical University
Name of the department or faculty: Faculty of Economics and Management.
Town: Ekaterinburg Country code: RF
Phone: 7/3432/74.84.26 Fax: 7/3432/74.38.84 E-mail:

Reference number: 6 - Sixth higher education institution Contact person:
Boris Igoshev
Name of the institution: Ural State Pedagogical University
Name of the department or faculty: Faculty of Economics.
Town: Ekaterinburg Country code: RF
Phone: 7/3432/34.13.01 Fax: 7/3432/34.97.71 E-mail:

Reference number: 7 - Seventh higher education institution Contact
Name of the institution: “X” university of the Santander Group
Name of the department or faculty:
Town: Country code:
Phone: Fax: E-mail:

Reference number: 8 - eighth higher education institution Contact
Name of the institution: “Y” university of the Santender Group
Name of the department or faculty:
Town: Country code:
Phone: Fax: E-mail:




* Tempus priorities

The project will be implemented in the Urals - one of the major economic
regions of Russia, which has a huge industrial, academic and scientific
Today one of the most important tasks is the provision of skilled
personnel for realization of this potential. Of special importance here
is the preparation of qualified experts who are capable of solving most
complicated problems on the development of market relations in
conditions of continued reforming of market economy. The present project
should facilitate the solution of this task.
The public authorities of the Ural Region see great importance in the
development of financial and industrial management, banking and
insurance. The solution of the given task is complicated by the shortage
of qualified experts with higher education. The field of business is new
to the Russian Federation. Therefore, the system of economic education
in the country and, in particular, in the Urals needs to be enriched
with the foreign experience of education in these subject domains.
Thus, the problem of economic education at the universities of the Urals
completely falls within the framework of the priorities set by the
Tempus program in Russia.
Deriving from this, economics (code 240) was chosen as the priority
subject sphere.
This subject area also was chosen because the possibility and advantage
of the universities-participants satisfy its requirements. Each
participating university has its faculties and/or institutes preparing
students to economic and management specialities.
The given project, devoted mainly to the creation of a network for
student mobility, includes also:
elements of teaching staff retraining;
introduction of new information technological methods into educational
intensive language preparation;
development of distance learning.

* Previous cooperation

During 1994-98 a consortium of 4 Ural universities was established in
the Urals. And it still continues functioning:
5. the Ural State Vocational Pedagogical University (USVPU);
6. the Ural State University (USU);
7. the Ural State Pedagogical University (USPU);
8. the Ural State Technical University (USTU).
The consortium was created for solving joint tasks in the field of
improvement of the university management, educational activity in
subject spheres and scientific research. The consortium has been
functioning as a structure within the framework of bilateral and
multilateral agreements with the University of Ghent (Belgium) in
carrying out the following projects:
9. URAL-MANAG (university management)
A foundation was laid for international activity of the Ural
universities. A coordinating center for managing international
activities in the region was created.
10. URAL-NET (development of interuniversity computer communications)
As a result of interaction of the given project with other similar
projects the universities of the consortium had an opportunity to
access the global computer network Internet.
11. URAL-INFO (information technologies in learning)
A base of relevant materials and facilities was created, information
technologies are mastered, the teaching staff and programmers are
trained to be able to introduce new information technologies in the
educational process.
12. URAL-LAN (language preparation)
The modern Language Center has been established. The Center was
supplied with the newest equipment. The technology of intensive
foreign language teaching is mastered. Regular teaching of the staff
and students of the consortium universities take place.
13. URAL-ECON (teaching and research in the field of economics)
The existing curricula were modified and new courses were developed.
14. URAL-DISTANCE (development of distant methods of learning on the
example of economic education)
A special course was given by Prof. Pasmiller. Workshops were held with
a participation of the Ural State University representatives and the
Ghent University ones.
15. URAL-ELECTRO (teaching and research in the field of electric power
The technology of internationalized curricula development, procedure of
their coordination and introduction in the educational process was
16. URAL-METAL (teaching and research in the field of metallurgy)
17. URAL-LIT (teaching and research in the field of literature)
18. URAL-LEX (teaching and research in the field of comparative
The positive experience of international cooperation in the domain of
higher education was obtained.
The indicated outcomes visually testify, that they are directly
connected to the objectives and tasks of the stated project and
completely correspond to the Tempus priorities. It is possible to
consider the given project to be a continuation of joint activities of
the Ural consortium.
Besides, in 1994-98 Tempus/Tacis activities were jointly carried out by
the universities of Ghent (Belgium), Rotterdam (the Netherlands),
Valladolid (Spain) and the USVPU. In the course of implementation of the
URAL project: Upgrading of Regional Academic Level T-JEP-10094-95-RF
four structural subdivisions were created in the USVPU for the
realization and management of international activities:
19. Regional Office for International Cooperation (RO);
20. Information Network Centre (INC);
21. Language Centre (LC);
22. Regional Centre for Student Exchanges (Vagant Centre) (VC).
The activities of these subdivisions are of a regional character and are
extended to the other universities of the Ural consortium. The Regional
Office for International Cooperation assists in the teaching staff and
student mobility organization. The Language Centre provides language
preparation of the trainees from different universities. The Regional
Centre for Student Exchanges has developed mechanisms and procedures of
student exchanges, ways of realization of credit transfer, a method of
definition of student workloads and credit allocation, has instructed
the ECTS-coordinators appointed at the consortium universities, has
mastered and disseminated the technology of producing information
packages. The VC provides informational and organizational support for
student mobility. The Information Network Centre provides the
subdivisions with communication means, with access to local and global
electronic networks.
The administrative and academic staff of all the consortium universities
have been trained in activity domains of the above-mentioned
subdivisions at the universities of Ghent (Belgium), Rotterdam (the
Netherlands), Valladolid (Spain) and other European universities.
The Ural State University for Economics (USUE) joining the consortium
(as a 5th member) in 1994/98 has established a number of partner
connections with some European universities and institutes. The
University has already acquired a certain experience before joining in
the new project. Among them: Student and teachers exchanges procedures,
language training, coordination of educational programs, creation of
joint teaching materials, academic recognition of study results,
agreements for rendering educational services, management of
international cooperation. Student exchanges were conducted with Marburg
University, Cologne University, Munich University (Germany), Higher
educational commercial schools of Po and Lyons Cities (France). Teachers
exchanges were conducted between USUE and Technical University of
Roitlingen (Germany), Utrecht University (the Netherlands), London
Economics School and NorthWestern College of London (GB).

At the present time all 5 Ural universities have their own offices for
the international cooperation. It is seemed that their presence will be
helpfull for the new project fulfilment.

* Links with other programs

The described Tempus JEP “URAL” is obviously directly connected with the
objectives and tasks of the proposed project, which can be considered as
its natural sequel. The achieved outcomes can be significantly
multiplied in the course of implementation of a new possible project to
influence not only the Ural Region but also the educational system of
Russia, which will allow to use the Tempus funds with a maximum

Some positive experience was accumulated also during the international
project "Distance Learning in the Economic Zone of the Urals"
ww.91.05/01.01/BO41, which was carried out by the USVPU in cooperation
with the Italian Institute of Foreign Trade. In the course of the
project more than 300 workers for small business were prepared with the
distance learning method. This experience also will be used in the
execution of the stated project.

It is very important that, the USVPU heads the Association for
Scientific Research and Educational Methods in Vocational Education
(ASREM/VE), which unites more than 130 educational institutions in
Russia. The ASREM/VE meets the problems of development of State
education standards of higher and secondary vocational education and
preparation of normative documents for a multilevel educational system
(bachelor and masters' courses). The ASREM/VE can really affect the
system of education in Russia, besides it has a possibility to provide
official recognition of the mechanisms and procedures of educational
degrees award. The education internationalization process in the USVPU
and other universities of the Ural consortium has a real chance to be
expanded within the institutions of the ASREM/VE because the USVPU leads
the educational policy in the Association.

In USU together with Moscow state university the preparation of masters
is carried on in the field of an economic theory. Together with St.-
Petersburg state university scientific and research work is carried on
in the field of the international economic relations. With the foreign
partners, for example, with Technical university of Munich (Germany) the
research projects on a theme " International economy of the firm", and
with University of state Illinois (USA) a common theme of researches "
Market of labor " are executed.
In USTU on faculties of the Analysis of systems and decision making and
banking researches are conducted within the framework of the regional
programme financed by the regional budget of Sverdlovsk region of the
theme of the state budget N 2980 "Mathematical and computer modeling of
economic-organizing systems "; grants of Ministry of Education of
Russian Federation N 2992 "Theory and methodology of an evaluation of
efficiency of the investments on the basis of mathematical methods of
the theory of management (section economy) and N 97-0-1.9.68 "Theory of
the guaranteed management and evaluation in the tasks of financial
mathematics ", and also are supported by the grant of Russian fund of
fundamental researches (PFBR) N 97-01-01003.
USPU during many years participates in economic programmes of Sverdlovsk
region on creation of economic culture in market conditions. Joint work
by the grant with North-East Illinois university (USA) on the programme
"Economic, social and cultural initiative. Russian-American partnership
" USA N IA-AFJL-J4190526 was executed.
Within two last years USUE has received positive experience of exchange
of the students with university of Visbaden (Germany), and also with
other mentioned before universities on a specialty « World economy ».
These programs of students' exchanges of USUE are directly connected
with the stated project, as have the common objectives of creation of
stable channels of students' mobility on the base of agreed educational
programs in the field of economy.

2.1. Objective

In general the objective of the project is to make the student mobility
possible and to update the content of higher economic education, its
methods and forms of teaching with the help of international cooperation
in this area what will promote the development of market relations in
Russia and its integration in the world economic community.
The improvement of higher economic education should be realized by its
adaptation to the European education dimensions. Russian economic
education has not sufficient experience of operating in market
conditions therefore the students trained do not always correspond to
the requirements of the new market conditions. The solution of this
problem can be reached as one of the outcomes of international
cooperation in the field of economic education. Such cooperation is
inevitably connected with students and teachers exchanges, with problems
of development of joint professional education programs, with problems
of academic recognition of educational degrees and diplomas.
The outlined problems in the field of economic education allow to
formulate the specific objective of the project: " Creation of a
mobility network for students in economics based on internationalised
curricula in the field of financial and industrial managament, banking
and insurance for making the student mobility possible and for upgrading
of education quality". Such a constantly functioning network will allow
not only to accumulate and generalize the experience of teaching the
students, but also to prepare the background for scientific exchange.
Doubtlessly, in the course of student exchanges the growth of the staff
participating in the development of internationalized educational
programs will also be ensured. To achieve this objective it is necessary
to set the following tasks:

23. Strengthening of the existing and creation of new organizational
structures dealing with student exchanges;
24. Development of internationalized curricula and joint short-term
internationalized educational programs;
25. Development of new and improvement of the existing procedures of
recognition of the results of abroad study courses;
26. Realization of student exchanges;
27. Analysis, generalization and dissemination of the experience obtained;
28. Taking special measures to provide the stability and sustainability of
the network created.

2.2. Outcomes, activities and inputs


Outcome reference N°: 1 Description of the outcome: 73 students
and postgraduates, having taken part in the students exchange programs
between Russian and European universities.

Deadline: June, 30, 2001 Institutions involved (reference N°): 1-8

Description of the activities:
1.1 Working out a common selection procedure of students-economists at
all Russian higher educational institutions, participants of the
consortium. Making use of the foreign universities experience. The VC
branches together with the home institution professors carry out the
selection. Language fluency will be one of the most imortant criteria.
1.2 Creation and annual updating as well as setting up in the Internet of
the participating institutions information packages (in English
1.3 Organization of access to the resources of the host university
(libraries, computer facilities, etc.).
1.4 Accommodation of foreign students in the hostels of the higher
educational institutions, participants of the project. Organization of
the foreign students’ leisure. Guarantee of their security during their
staying abroad.
1.5 Language training for the outgoing students (before their departure).
1.6 Organizational and informational students’ support.
1.7 Supervising of the outgoing students (application of the ECTS system;
in order to achive the best results of studying abroad the guidance from
the home institution is presupposed).
1.8 Application of ECTS for the study results’ recognition (the
regulations of the ECTS are mentioned in the “ECTS User’s Guide” well
known in European universities).
1.9 Experience dissemination – organization of an international
conference on the results of student exchanges (in Ekaterinburg).
1.10 Experience dissemination – organization in Ekaterinburg of 3 annual
regional conferences on the problems of economic education, with the
European partners taking part.

Target group(s):
Students, postgraduate students.

Inputs allocated from the Tempus budget:
1. Covering the expenses, connected with students’ exchange (travel and
50 students' East-West mobility – 5 months; 10 postgraduate students'
East-West mobility – 10 months
10 students' West-East mobility – 5 months; 3 postgraduate students' West-
East mobility – 10 months
2. Financing of Russian universities information packages’ publishing.
3. Financing of work of the Language Centre teaching staff.
4. Financing of the international conference organization expenses and
covering of travel and stay costs of Russian participants.
5. Covering of travel and stay at the conference costs of EU participants.
6. Financing of the conference printed materials issue.
7. Technical equipping of the Language Centre.
8. Financing of the administrative staff, academic staff
9. 3 conferences’ organization expenses financing. Covering of travel and
stay costs at the conference of RF participants.
10. Financing of travel and stay of EU participants of the conference.
11. Financing of the conference printed materials issue.

Inputs allocated from outside the Tempus budget:
1. Financing of the ECTS coordinators’ work.
2. Financing the professors’ work in teaching foreign students.
3. Financing of the information packages’ elaboration.
4. Financing of the EU universities information packages’ issuing.
5. Provision of an access to the library, computer classes and other
educational equipment.
Duration (in weeks): 156
Total Tempus funding required for this outcome (including related mobility
flows) over project duration:
ECU .560'670
(this amount reflects the inputs from the Tempus budget only - for other
contributions see the financial table V.8.)

Outcome reference N°: 2 Description of the outcome: 75 students
and postgraduate students, having taken part in the students exchange
program between the Ural higher educational institutions, participants of
the consortium.

Deadline: June, 30, 2001 Institutions involved (reference N°): 2-6

Description of the activities:
2.1 Working out a common selection procedure of students-economists at
all higher educational institutions, participants of the consortium.
Making use of foreign universities experience. The selection has to be
made by the students’ exchange centres and professors of universities.
2.2 Creation and annual updating as well as setting up in the Internet of
information packages of Ural universities, taking part in the project (in
the Russian language).
2.3 Organization of access to the resources of the host university
(libraries, computer facilities ets.).
2.4 Supervising of the outgoing students.
2.5 Accommodation of other-town students in the hostels of the higher
educational institutions, participants of the project.
2.6 Organizational and informational students’ support.
2.7 Application of ECTS for the studying results’ recognition.

Target group(s):
Administrative staff, academic staff, students, postgraduate students.

Inputs allocated from the Tempus budget:

Inputs allocated from outside the Tempus budget:
1. Financing of the students’ exchanges:
75 students' East-East mobility, 5 months.
2. Financing of the ECTS coordinators work.
3. Financing of the overtime work of the teachers.
4. Provision of an access to the library, computer classes and other
educational equipment.
Duration (in weeks): 156

Total Tempus funding required for this outcome (including related mobility
flows) over project duration:
ECU. 0
(this amount reflects the inputs from the Tempus budget only - for other
contributions see the financial table V.8.)


Outcome reference N°: 3 Description of the outcome:
Internationalization of professional educational economic programs at
higher educational institutions, participants of the project.

Deadline: August, 31, 2001 Institutions involved (reference N°): 1-8

Description of the activities:
3.1 Comparative analysis of professional educational programs of the home
and host universities.
3.2 Selection of foreign study courses, which are of interest for the
sending university.
3.3 Foreseeing the ways to overcome the differences in professional
educational programs.
3.4 ECTS system introduction.
3.5 Short-term mutual visits of administrative and academic staff to co-
ordinate the work and discuss the problems of students’ mobility, such as
diploma recognition and methods of credit transfer.
3.6 Administrative and academic staff training periods (administrative for
intensive courses for studying methods of credit transfer; academics to
perfect the teaching methods).
3.7 Expending of the library resources of partner universities at the
expense of purchasing of books and periodical issues on the Economics
3.8 Provision of project participants with an access to the computer
databases containing some information concerning the contents of courses
offered at the economic faculties of the European universities.
3.9 Creation of a computer database of educational programs, curricula and
teaching aids in Economics.
3.10 Dissemination of the experience – organization of Ural annual inter-
universities’ seminars on internationalization of higher economic
3.11 Dissemination of the experience – publishing of Newsletters on
internationalization of higher economic education (3 times a year).

Target group(s):
Administrative staff, academic staff.

Inputs allocated from the Tempus budget:
1. Financing of short-term visits.
15 Administrative and academic staff members' mobility East-West
2. Financing of training periods and intensive courses.
15 Administrative and academic staff members' mobility East-West.
3. Financing of the Newsletters publishing.
4. Financing of books and periodical publications purchasing.
5. Financing of an access to the computer databases.

Inputs allocated from outside the Tempus budget:
1. Financing of the experts work in educational programs’ analysis.
2. Financing of the work on ECTS introduction.
3. Financing of the work on elaboration of the didactic materials and
teaching aids.
4. Financing of 3 seminars.
5. Financing of language courses for trainees.
Duration (in weeks): 101

Total Tempus funding required for this outcome (including related mobility
flows) over project duration:
ECU .93'900
(this amount reflects the inputs from the Tempus budget only - for other
contributions see the financial table V.8.)

Outcome reference N°: 4 Description of the outcome: A network of
branches of the Regional Centre for Students’ Exchanges (RCSE) at the Ural
universities – participants of the consortium, as well as constant contacts
of the Centre and its branches with the corresponding structures of the
European universities participating in the project.

Deadline: August, 31, 2001 Institutions involved (reference N°): 2-6

Description of the activities:
4.1 Creation of RCSE branches at the universities of the Ural consortium
and their technical provision.
4.2. Establishing of cooperation links between the heads of the RCSE
branches at the Ural universities.
4.3 Appointment of ECTS-coordinators in Economics at each participating
4.4 Training of the ECTS-coordinators and staff of the RCSE and its
branches at the European universities.
4.5 Organization of meetings, conferences, seminars on the exchange of
experience with participation of the heads and the staff of the RCSE, ECTS-
coordinators and students participating in the project.
4.6 Establishing of direct links between the ECTS-coordinators in economics
of the Ural consortium universities and the European universities,
participation in the work of the ECTS ALUMNI Association.
4.7 Dissemination of the experience – publishing activities (Newsletters,
see Outcome 3 Activity 3.11).

Target group(s):
Staff of the RCSE and its branches, ECTS-coordinators.

Inputs allocated from the Tempus budget:
1. Financing of intensive courses for the RCSE staff and ECTS-coordinators
at European universities.
2. Financing of the publishing activities (it is the same activity
mentioned above, see Outcome 3).
3. Provision of the RCSE branches with equipment:
4 PCs; 4 Laser Jets; 4 Copying machines; 4 Binding machines.
4. Financing of software.
5. Financing of services for the equipment.

Inputs allocated from outside the Tempus budget:
1. Premises, furniture, municipal costs.
2. Staff costs (RCSE and its branches staff, ECTS-coordinators).
3. Computer network, communications.
4. Financing of conferences and seminars.
Duration (in weeks): 156

Total Tempus funding required for this outcome (including related mobility
flows) over project duration:
ECU .38'000
(this amount reflects the inputs from the Tempus budget only - for other
contributions see the financial table V.8.)

Outcome reference N°: 5 Description of the outcome: 20 academic
staff will deliver lectures at the universities-participants in the

Deadline: June, 31, 2001 Institutions involved (reference N°): 1-8

Description of the activities:
5.1 Elaboration of new study courses (reviews lectures on subjects that are
read at the professors’ home institutions) and their methodological
5.2 Organizational and informational support of the outgoing lecturers.
5.3 Dissemination of the experience: publishing activity (Newsletters, see
Outcome 3, Activity 3.11).

Target group(s):
Academic staff, postgraduate students, students, administrative staff.

Inputs allocated from the Tempus budget:
1. Financing of the 15 academic staff members' East-West mobility (it is
the same mobility mentioned above, see Outcome 3).
2. Financing of the 5 academic staff members' West-East mobility.
3. Publishing of didactical materials (teaching aids) for the lectures
to be read abroad (20 sets).

Inputs allocated from outside the Tempus budget:
1. Financing of the work on elaboration of new copyrightable courses.

Duration (in weeks): 77

Total Tempus funding required for this outcome (including related mobility
flows) over project duration:
ECU .22'800
(this amount reflects the inputs from the Tempus budget only - for other
contributions see the financial table V.8.)
2.3. Impact and sustainability

The successful implementation of the project will influence various aspects
of the system of higher education in Russia, connected with preparation of
students to be highly qualified specialists:
29. On the national level it is the process of adaptation of the Russian
system of higher education to the European dimensions; the possibility of
mutual recognition of diplomas of future specialists in economics;
creation of a model of a rapid and reliable information exchange system
between the universities of Russia and European Union;
30. At a regional level - perfecting of the network of the Ural
universities ensuring high-quality preparation of students in the sphere
of economics; uniting of scientific - pedagogical potential of the Ural
universities for solution of problems in the sphere of student
exchanges; development of structures coordinating student exchanges at
the regional level; creation of reliable channels of information
exchange on problems of preparation of high-qualified economists;
31. At a university level - further development of university structures
connected with student exchanges (Regional Center for Student Exchanges,
Regional Office for International Cooperation); replenishment of the
library funds with the economic literature, purchased by the students
during their study courses abroad; creation of the atmosphere of interest
in student exchanges at all structural subdivisions (faculties,
departments) of the university;
32. At a level of faculties - development of the structure of the Economic
Faculty by student exchanges, including those with foreign universities;
improvement of professional skills of the faculty teaching staff,
including reading of some lectures in a foreign language; increase of
students' interest in qualitative studying and learning of foreign
33. At a level of departments - perfecting of curricula for preparation of
experts in the sphere of economics; teachers' mastering of foreign
languages; rise of prestige of an economic specialty in the eyes of would-
be students.

Upon termination of Tempus/Tacis financing the outcomes of the project can
be maintained and developed by the structures established in the course of
the project implementation (RCSE branches, ECTS-coordinators). The
involvement in new projects, bilateral and multilateral agreements between
the Russian and foreign universities is possible. It is obviously possible,
that the mentioned structures, using the accumulated links, can offer the
whole range of services to organizations and population. This will ensure
additional sources of financing.

The Ural universities consortium has an intention to save and to develop
the academic network established in the framework of the CHAIN-E project.
For this purpose it is planned to offer and to realize the joint projects,
financed from the respectable sources. All the Ural universities have an
experience of grants getting from the national and non-governmental funds:
“The Fund of Higher Education Development”, “National Fund for Staff
Preparation” (The Government of the Russian Federation and the
International Reconstruction and Development Bank), “G. Soros Fund (Opened
Society Institute)” etc. During the academic network creation the
universities will try to provide the financing from these sources of the
respectable joint project in the field of Economics and Education. At the
present time the USVPU and the USU have already got the positive decision
of the “National Fund for Staff Preparation” about the loan rendering for
the realization of the Innovation Education Fund project in the field of
economical education of these universities.

3.1. Management structure

Role and responsibilities of each consortium member

The structure of management of the project is indicated in the scheme
The University - Contractor is Ghent University (RUG). During the first
year of MJEP fulfillment it acts as the University - Coordinator of the
project, but it delegates some part of the responsibilities in Russia to
the USVPU. Such control circuit has been already tested in 1994-98. In a
course of realization of the Ural universities consortium work with the
Ghent University within the framework of the multilateral agreements, and
also the USVPU with Ghent, Rotterdam and Valladolid universities under the
URAL project (Tempus/Tacis) T-JEP-10094-95-RF. The positive administrative
experience accumulated for these years allows to recommend the used circuit
of work.
During the second and third years functions of University - Coordinator of
the project executes the USVPU, and some part of the responsibilities on
coordination of works in Europe are preserved for RUG. The delegation of a
coordinating role to Russian university (USVPU) has two reasons: first, the
major part of work under the project is carried out in Russia; secondly,
the fulfillment of managing functions will allow the USVPU to fix and to
advance those skills of a realization of international cooperation, which
were incorporated by joint activity of the Russian-European consortium of
universities in 1994-98.
The problems of CHAIN-E and Russian-European subprojects development
strategy (as well as development strategy of the URAL subprojects and other
projects connecting universities of Ural and Europe into the network) will
be settled by Council of the Rectors, which includes Prof./Dr. G. Romantsev
(USVPU), Prof./Dr. V. Tretyakov (USU), Prof./Dr. V. Kamyshov (USUE),
Prof./Dr. S. Naboichenko (USTU), Prof./Dr. V. Zhavoronkov (USPU) on the
part of Ekaterinburg universities.

The operating project management is carried out by the Coordination Council
of the managers of works at the universities. To be such managers: a Vice-
Rector - coordinator of the international programs (USVPU), Prof./Dr. I.
Kolobkov - Chairman of Coordination Council; a Vice-Rector on international
relations (USUE), Prof./Dr. A. Maltsev – deputy head of the Coordination
Council; the dean of Economics Faculty (USU), Prof./Dr. D. Nesterova; Head
of the Department of The Analysis of Systems and Decision Making (USTU),
Prof./Dr. O. Nikonov; a Vice-Rector on educational work and international
relations (USPU), Prof./Dr. M. Igoshev are appointed. The managers of works
at the universities coordinate aspirations of faculties and departments
involved in the project in the correspondence with the annually developed
general plan of the activity, which is approved in Tempus Department of the
A big role in carrying out of the MJEP CHAIN-E activities is played by the
ECTS-coordinators, appointed at the universities, who are responsible for
the ECTS implementation while realization of student exchanges. The strict
fulfillment of ECTS principles, which is steadfastly monitored by the ECTS-
coordinators, is the lien of that the procedures of academic recognition of
study results will be facilitated, and the students who wish to study
abroad, will not be afraid of extension of terms of their study because of
a problem with academic recognition. In 4 of five Ural universities the
ECTS-coordinators already exist and have passed training periods abroad and
followed special courses in the USVPU: Prof./Dr. A. Zhuchenko Vice-rector
of the USVPU; the Head of the Educational Department (USTU) Prof./Dr. V.
Shavrin; the employee of the Educational Department (USPU) Prof. M.
Yelisafenko; Prof./Dr. of the International Relations Department (USU) V.
Kouzmine. Besides, the ECTS technology is widely known to the
administrative and academic staff of the USVPU, who can be involved to
management of the process of ECTS introduction into other Ural
The course of works under the project is weekly discussed by the Head of
the Coordination Council with the representatives of international
departments of universities (liaison-officers). The meetings of liaison
-officers, as an element of operating control, are widely applied in
activity of the consortium of Ural universities in 1994-98. The functions
of liaison-officers execute the following persons: Prof./Dr. T. Begalova
(USTU), Mrs. Y. Tokpiseva (USPU), Mrs. R. Shamsutdinova (USU).
The managers of works under the project at the universities act in a close
contact with services of international cooperation. These services at
various universities are on the different stages of development, however
they can effort to cover needs of the project. The main work will be
carried out by the most developed subdivisions of the University -
Coordinator (USVPU): the Regional Office for International Cooperation,
Language Center, Regional Centre for Student Exchanges.
The Regional Office for International Cooperation of the USVPU in
cooperation with international departments of other universities[1] is to
fulfill the following functions:
34. Regularly instructs the managers of works at the consortium
universities and various participants about new possibilities and new
kinds of activity in the framework of the project and gives practical
35. Distributes information about a course of realization of the project,
ensures feedback.
36. Organizes coordination meetings of the managers of works.
37. Realizes interaction with the foreign partners - participants of the
38. Realizes planning and monitoring the course of realization of the
39. Elaborates the reports (intermediate and final).
40. Represents outcomes of the project to a wide academic public.
41. Organizes international and regional conferences, seminars and
42. Realizes developing and issuing of the newsletters.
43. Carries out the accumulation and systematization of materials on the
results of foreign training periods and of the employees of the
consortium universities.
44. Organizes sending and receiving of the official invitations.
45. Realizes communication with embassies and consulates to settle problems
of visa support.
46. Organizes visa maintenance to the foreigners in Ekaterinburg.
47. Helps in registration of the passports, insurance and other necessary
documents for departure abroad.
48. Helps in booking of the travel tickets and hotels.
49. Organizes residing, feed and leisure of the foreign visitors to
50. Creates information and methodical databases for elaboration of social-
cultural programs both for the foreign visitors, and for the university
employees and students departing abroad.
51. Organizes cultural information maintenance concerning country of stay
for students the university employees departing abroad.
52. Organizes a supply.
53. Realizes print-design works of the department.
54. Organizes text translations.
55. Provides serviceable operation of all kinds of communication
(telephone, fax, mail, DHL post, e-mail).
56. Realizes the collection of the financial documents (invoices, waybills,
travel tickets) and their registration in the correspondence with
requirements of the project.
57. Realizes planning and monitoring expenditures of financial assets of
the project.
58. Elaborates the financial report on the expenditures of grant money.
59. Conducts accounting and remittances in various currencies.
60. Inspects and adjusts the use of financial assets of the university by
the department.
Thus, the international departments of both Ural, and European
universities bear responsibility for the most general organizational
aspects of the realization of the project: operative-circumspect activity,
planning, monitoring and reporting, distribution of outcomes of works,
technical support of the mobility, publishing works, supply and financial
The inclusive aspects of the project concerning development of higher
economic education, tutoring at foreign universities and academic
recognition of study periods, and also individual problems of organization
of mobility are assigned to Regional Centre for Student Exchanges (Vagant
Center) of the USVPU, which bears responsibility for the fulfillment of the
following functions:
Introduction of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in the Ural
universities; the guaranteed carrying out of the obligations of
universities on observance the ECTS principles and mechanisms while its
using among Russian institutions as well as while international student
Rendering of the methodical and organizational assistance while
introduction ECTS in the Ural universities; rendering of organizational and
information support to the institutional ECTS-coordinators beginning the
introduction of the ECTS; involving of academic staff in a procedure of
credit allocation among subjects of the curricula;
Coordination of the Ural universities activity on their adaptation to the
requirements of the European educational dimensions;
Informing of the university administrators, students and teachers-users of
the ECTS concerning educational possibilities of the European and Russian
universities; requirements and possibilities of their reception;
coordination, preparation, elaboration and distribution of information
packages of faculties, electronic presentation versions (Home pages) and
student Handbooks and Guides in Russia and countries of Western Europe.
The accumulation, processing and distribution of an information on problems
of mutual academic recognition among institutions of the Ural Region;
Organization of training periods for the teachers and administrators of the
Ural consortium universities concerning student exchanges and academic
recognition; generalization of obtained outcomes and their distribution in
the Ural universities consortium;
The coordination and approvement of the normative documents on academic
Participation in the development of general curricula and Russian State
educational standards;
Maintenance of constant contacts with the ECTS-coordinators from other
universities: exchange with the applications, agreements on study terms;
coordination of the curricula and educational programs; preparation of the
documents on transcription of outcomes of study; fixing of the courses
recognition and recognition of study periods; designing of the individual
educational programs; combination of academic requirements and personal
interests of the students;
Monitoring of a course of study in the framework of the ECTS: maintenance
of adaptation and integration of foreign students at the university;
maintaining of contacts with the outgoing students for promotion of their
adaptation and progress in study.
Establishment and maintaining of contacts with structures realizing
sponsorship of study abroad, national organizations financing the programs
of student exchanges.
In a course of project the creation of the Vagant Centre branches at
the Ural universities consortium and delegation of a part of functions of
Regional Centre for Student Exchanges are supposed. Together with it, the
part of the responsibility under the project for study of the students
abroad is transmitted also to the Ural universities.
At the European universities the responsibility for the listed above
kinds of activity are assigned to student advisory centers and to
international relation offices. In all cases at the Russian universities as
well as in institutions of European Union the kinds of activity are carried
out with participation of faculty and university ECTS-coordinators.
The responsibility for language preparation of the students and
trainees is assigned separately to each university of the consortium.
However, the perfecting of language knowledge at the Russian participants
is supposed to be realized with use of possibilities of the modern Language
Center (USVPU), which has not only modern equipment, but also progressive
technologies of teaching. In a course of the project it is supposed to
create branch of the Language Center in opposite from the USVPU side of
Ekaterinburg on the basis of the Ural State University for Economics, to
which the part of functions and responsibility on language preparation of
the most numerous quota of the students of economic specialties among Ural
institutions will be delegated.
The success of the project in many respects depends on information
support, which should be regular, reliable, relevant and rapid. Information
exchange between universities of the consortium, search of it in computer
networks, conduction of teleconferences for the experience exchange and for
project management realization are assigned on created during the previous
joint universities activity Information Network Centers, which are
responsible for this kind of activity.

Management structure

Project management experience of the Coordinator; his/her participation in
other programs of international cooperation

Mrs. Lieve Bracke is the manager of the International Relations Office
since 1987. The department has qualified workers, who are incorporated
in two groups: conceptual and administrative. The department has
experience of coordination of the European educational projects
(Erasmus, Lingua, COMMET, Tempus), and also programs of European Union
outside Europe (EC - USA, MEDCAMPUS, Alpha, UNITWIN (UNESCO)). The
equipment, know-how and qualification of the Office employees allow to
operate and to realize these programs successfully.
Mrs. Lieve Bracke has been acting as the coordinator of student exchange
programs between the Santander group universities ICP-94-NL-2020/17,
joint European projects on student exchanges with Hungary (in several
specialities) and pre-project Pre-JEP 00304-93 with Kiev University
(Ukraine), in which university of Leeds (Great Britain) participated as
coordinating institution. She was a member of the Santander group
Executive committee (since 1993). Now she represents Ghent university,
which is the contractor-coordinator of JEP URAL (T.JEP-10094-95 RF),
which includes universities of Ghent (Belgium), Rotterdam (the
Netherlands), Valladolid (Spain) and the USVPU (Russia). Besides she
coordinates a series of the URAL subprojects of Ghent University with 4
Ural universities and project OCTOPUSI, which envelops universities of
Europe, countries of a CIS, Southeast Asia and Southern Africa.
The Prof.-Dr. G. Romantsev, rector of the USVPU has wide experience in
international and interuniversity cooperation. The Association for
Scientific Research and Educational Methods in Vocational Education
(ASREM/VE) exists more than for 10 years, and is headed by the USVPU and
integrates more than 130 institutions and colleges. The institutions of
Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and other countries
entered the Association, which activity is coordinated by the USVPU. In
1987-1990 the USVPU was one of the participants of a joint comprehensive
program of Central and East

Новинки рефератов ::

Реферат: Культура поведения, культура общения и туризм (Культурология)

Реферат: Геополитика и геоэкономика Норвегии (География)

Реферат: Электробезопасность (билеты и ответы) (Безопасность жизнедеятельности)

Реферат: Профессиограмма учителя иностранного языка (Педагогика)

Реферат: Визуальный HTML-редактор DreamWeaver. Разработка Web-дизайна (Компьютеры)

Реферат: Монтаж промышленного здания со стальным каркасом (Архитектура)

Реферат: Word 97 (Программирование)

Реферат: Николай Второй (История)

Реферат: Внешнее окружение фирмы (Менеджмент)

Реферат: Регенерация (Биология)

Реферат: Виховання у сім’ї як першооснова розвитку дитини як особистості (Педагогика)

Реферат: А. Блок (Литература : русская)

Реферат: Отчет по преддипломной практике ООО"Холод" (Бухгалтерский учет)

Реферат: Аналитические весы (Химия)

Реферат: СТРАХОВЫЕ Брокеры (Страхование)

Реферат: Вирусы и способы борьбы с ними (Программирование)

Реферат: Бог и человек у Гераклита Эфесского (Религия)

Реферат: Norton Commander– инструментарий работы в среде MS DOS (Программирование)

Реферат: Законодательная и нормативная регламентация документирования трудовых правоотношений (Государство и право)

Реферат: Модели развития демократии в России (Политология)

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