Иностранные языки / Реферат: Ключи для оксфордской рабочей тетради (Upper-Intermediate) (Иностранные языки)

Административное право
Арбитражный процесс
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Исторические личности
Коммуникации и связь
Литература : зарубежная
Литература : русская
Масс-медиа и реклама
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Экологическое право

Реферат: Ключи для оксфордской рабочей тетради (Upper-Intermediate) (Иностранные языки)


Unit 1

1 Identifying tenses
Exercise 1
a is walking n had been b walked washed/ c 'd been walking
was washed d had taken o 've been e was taken washing f '11
take p will have g 'vehad been sold h '11 be having q
sells i were having r will be sold/ j is freshly made 's going to k
'11 have made be sold
1 's been made s will have been m 're being teaching washed
t were being taught
Exercise 2 ACTIVE
Simple Continuous Present sells is walking Past
walked were
having Future will take will be
having Present Perfect have had have been
washing Past Perfect had taken had been
Future Perfect will have will have made been
teaching PASSIVE
Simple Continuous Present is made are being
washed Past was taken were being
taught Future will be sold Present Perfect has been
made Past Perfect had been
washed Future Perfect will have been sold

2 Correcting mistakes
a •
b Manchester United are playing
really well at the moment. ... c I've heard you're going to have a
baby!/you're having a baby! ... d • e When I was a little girl, I always
spent my ...
f I've been going out with Paul ... g ... Perhaps I'll get him ... h •
i A ... strike has been called by ... j ... and deserved to pass ...

3 Choosing the right tense
a 've been looking/was looking b wonder/'m wondering/
wondered/was wondering c went d 'd never been
e was doing/did
f got
g did you feel
h 'sbeen
i 've visited
j felt
k was travelling
1 have been learning/are learning
m 're looking forward
n is hoping/hopes
o will that be
p will be able
q produces
r 've been
s '11 get
t 've discussed

4 Active or passive?
Exercise 1
a Volvos aren't made in Norway. b Our house was built in the 17th
c Has your bedroom been decorated d My bedroom's being decorated ... e
While ... was being built... f ... our house had been burgled. g She won't
be recognized ...
Exercise 2
a were caught were leaving/left
b arrived had caught
c are emptied
d hadn't been delivered
e has been missing
f don't you like love
're going to see
g were driving were overtaken h had been snowing i arrive '11 be picked up
5 At home on a train Exercise 1
a don't live k have been b has travelled removed c is made
1 paid d 've lived/ m were offered
've been living n 'm discovering e didn't want o was built f saw
p 've worked/ g fell 're working/ h bought
have been i had already working
done q '11 ever sell j we're still r will remain/
making remains
Exercise 2
a Do they live in a caravan? b How long have they lived/been
living there?
c Who did they buy it from? d How much did they pay for their
house? e How much were they recently
offered for the house? f Where and when was it built? g Are they still
working on the hous< h Will they ever sell the house?

6 have, be,or do?
a has (A) h does (A) b did (F) i was (A) c have (F) j is
(A) d 've (A) being (A) e is/was (F) k doing (F) has/had (F)
to have (F)
f didn't (A) 1 been (A) g done (F) 'm(F)
7 Forms of have and have got Exercise 1
a '... have you got/do you have a ...'
'... I'm having ...'
'... I've got/have ... to have ...' b '... have you got/do you have ...'
'... I haven't/don't...'
'... haven't got/don't have ... c '...had...'
'... Will you have to ...' d 'Have you got/do you have ...'
'No, we haven't/don't. Have/do
'... I've had ... I've got/have ...'
'... to have ...' e '... We've got to/have to ...'
'... haven't got/don't have ...'
'... had ... Have ...' f ... having ... I've had ... haven't
Exercise 2
a She hasn't got...
b I don't usually have ...
c I haven't got/don't have ...
d They aren't having ...
e We didn't have ...
f I don't have to ...
g I didn't have to ...
Exercise 3
a What colour eyes has she got? b What time do you usually have
c How much money do you have? d What are they having a row about? e Did you
have a good time on
holiday? f How many hours a day do you have
to work? g , What time did you have to get up
this morning?

8 Rooms and their contents
Kitchen: taps sink dishwasher
scales breadbin tin opener
cat flap tea towel high chair
Welsh dresser Living room: French windows
armchair sofa rug
drinks cabinet magazine rack
ornaments Bedroom: chest of drawers
dressing table cot duvet
wardrobe pillow ornaments
sheets rug quilt Bathroom: shower curtain
towel rail washbasin bidet taps
scales flannel towel

9 house and home idioms
Exercise 1
a He's got a huge appetite.
b They have a very good relationship.
c I could shop for a very long time.
d The drinks are free.
e The musical was a success.
f The pictures made me realize fully
the horrors of the famine. g Mum earns the money in our
h Haig managed to win, although it wasn't easy.
Exercise 2
a When I saw her empty cat basket it
really brought home the fact I'd
never see her again. b We all got on like a house on fire. c They eat us
out of house and home. d Apparently, it brought the house
down. e I could dance until the cows come

10 Literal and idiomatic
Exercise 1
a out e down h back b away f off on i in c down g out j
away d off
Exercise 2
a fell out (L) e Hold on (I)
fell out (I) hold on (L) b put up (I) f take it off (L)
put up (L) take off (I) c 've sorted g picked it up (I)
out (L) pick him up (L)
sort it out (I) d stand up (L)
stand up (I)
11 Vowel sounds and spelling Exercise 1
a friend e took i thought b English f huge j shirt c cheese g
crash k chart d month h shock 1 temper
Exercise 2
lei letter weather breakfast head /i/ sick women busy building I'r.l tree
jeans heat machine /a/ hug mother fun worry Ivl good woman could pullover
/u:/ cool roof suit canoe 1x1 camp family accent fan /o/ log odd sausage
want /a:/ horse walk daughter floor /3:i early work search worm /a:/ party
father banana garden /a/ letter banana father machine
Exercise 3
a Learning a foreign language is very
useful. b It's important to have a good
c English spelling isn't easy. d It's good to keep lists of vocabulary. e
Grammar doesn't have to be
boring. f Everyone wants to speak English

Реферат на тему: Коала (дикие животные Австралии)

Koala - one of the most famous and favorite Australian
animals. Him name as a bear, though a Koala are not
connected to what type of bears.

In translation from language of the Australian natives
"Koala" means "not drinking", as a Koala do not drink
water. They eat leaves eucalyptus, the contained there
liquid suffices to them.

The Koala weighs from four up to fifteen kgs and reaches
eighty centimeters in length. Life expectancy - about 12

At a Koala a pear-shaped body, large round head with small eyes and large
black nose. The tail at a Koala is not. The Koala is covered with thick,
strong gray fur, because of which for them hunt. On legs the Koala has -
five fingers, with which he clasps a trunk of a tree.

Till eighteen - twenty two hours per day sleep on trees, and on ground is
lowered only for transition to a new tree. Sleep a Koala in of trees.

Koala - single animal. The mothers very well care of children, the fathers
the participations in education of the kids do not accept.

The small Koala is born underdeveloped and continues the development in a
bag. The newborn Koala weighs some grammes and length about two
centimeters. In a bag he will carry spend six months, eating there by
parent milk. Then about one year the kid sits on Bottom or on a stomach of
the mother, having seized in her fur, and for reception of food to put out
a head from a bag

Surprisingly that the Koala is able well to float and to jump on trees,
though he is usual moves very slowly.

The Koala meets only in Australia and only in eucalyptus woods in a
southeast of the country. They are under protection of the state, as they
are threatened with extinction. These harmless, lovely and curious animals
have a lot of enemies. They are production for the foxes, dogs Dingo and
predatory birds.

The poachers kill them for the sake of valuable fur. Koalas perish on fire.
The cutting down eucalyptus of woods conducts to reduction of territory
them habitats. The new generation at Koalas occurs very slowly- child
occurs all once per two years!

The project about a Koala


Has executed:
Астафьев Дмитрий 11-А


Новинки рефератов ::

Реферат: Планирование фронтальных занятий по формированию и развитию речи (Педагогика)

Реферат: ООН (История)

Реферат: Особенности сатанизма (Мифология)

Реферат: Личность (Педагогика)

Реферат: А.Вампилов "Утиная охота" (Литература)

Реферат: Глобальный мир Интернет и его возможности (Программирование)

Реферат: Влияние прибыли на предприятие (Бухгалтерский учет)

Реферат: Химия в хозяйстве (Химия)

Реферат: Творчество О.Э. Мандельштама (Литература : русская)

Реферат: Объективные причины октябрьской революции 1917 г. (Государство и право)

Реферат: Воцарение династии Романовых (История)

Реферат: Вопрос (Менеджмент)

Реферат: Социология - Наука об обществе (Социология)

Реферат: Общее собрание акционеров (Гражданское право и процесс)

Реферат: Цикл-метод обучения. (Методика преподавания эстонского языка) (WinWord (на эстонском языке)) (Иностранные языки)

Реферат: Соціально-економічні умови виникнення і розвитку політичної системи суспільства (Политология)

Реферат: Правила поведінки на підприємстві (Безопасность жизнедеятельности)

Реферат: Купля-продажа жилья (Право)

Реферат: Вопросы и ответы по курсу политологии (Политология)

Реферат: Характер (Психология)

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