Иностранные языки / Реферат: Методические указания по английскому языку (Иностранные языки)

Административное право
Арбитражный процесс
Банковское дело
Безопасность жизнедеятельности
Биржевое дело
Бухгалтерский учет
Валютные отношения
Военная кафедра
Государство и право
Гражданское право и процесс
Деньги и кредит
Иностранные языки
Искусство и культура
Исторические личности
Коммуникации и связь
Литература : зарубежная
Литература : русская
Масс-медиа и реклама
Международное публичное право
Международное частное право
Международные отношения
Муниципальное право
Начертательная геометрия
Сельское хозяйство
Таможенная система
Теория государства и права
Теория организации
Трудовое право
Уголовное право и процесс
Хозяйственное право
Цифровые устройства
Экологическое право

Реферат: Методические указания по английскому языку (Иностранные языки)


к выполнению контрольных работ.

1. Количество контрольных работ, выполняемых на каждом курсе,
устанавливается учебным планом университета.
2. В данном пособии предлагается для студентов 6 вариантов контрольных
работ. Выполняются они в соответствии с цифрами студенческого шифра
(четные или нечетные).
3. Выполнять контрольные работы следует в отдельной тетради. На обложке
тетради напишите свою фамилию, номер шифра, курс и факультет.
4. Контрольные работы должны быть выполнены чернилами, аккуратно, четким
почерком. Слева справа оставьте поля для рецензии преподавателя.

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5. Контрольные работы должны быть выполнены в той последовательности, в
которой они даны в настоящем пособии.
6. Выполненные контрольные работы направляйте для проверки и рецензирования
в установленные сроки на кафедру “Английский язык”.
7. Если контрольная работа не соответствует указанным требованиям, она
возвращается без проверки.

к зачетам и экзамену.

1. Прочитать необходимые текстовые материалы и понять основной смысл
2. Просмотреть материал выполненных контрольных работ.

3. Просмотреть перечень необходимых вопросов для собеседования по
разговорной тематике.

4. Просмотреть газетный материал на английском языке, пользуясь словарем.

5. Прочитать и понять, с помощью словаря, тесты по специальности.

I. Варианты контрольных работ

Вариант 1

1. Переведите текст:
Cosmic Flight.
We live in a wonderful age when the most daring dreams of man are coming
true. For many centuries cosmic flights were but a dream. October 4, 1957
became a remarkable day throughout the world. The first space satellite was
put into orbit around the Earth. Tsiolkovsky's "utopian" dream has been
realized. Each cosmic flight on a manned spaceship is really a great event.
The satellite is a small space laboratory. Its aim is investigating
radiation as well as the effects of the state of weightlessness on the
human organism.
2. Переведите слова и выражения:
daring, to put into orbit, space satellite, manned spaceship,
investigating, the state

of weightlessness, radiation.
3. Переведите предложение:
Многие века космические полеты были всего лишь мечтой.
4. Переведите предложение:
Первый космический спутник был запущен 4 октября 1957 года.

5. Переведите предложение:
Each manned spaceship is a small cosmic laboratory.

6. Выбрать правильный вариант:
The most... dreams of people are coming true.

a) remarkable b) daring c) wonderful

7. Выбрать правильный вариант:
Each cosmic ... is really a great event,

a) satellite b) spaceship c) flight

8. Закончить предложение:
For many centuries cosmic flights were....
a) "utopian" dream b) but a dream

9. Закончить предложение:
The first space satellite was put into orbit....
a) around the Earth b) around the moon
10. Составить предложение:
is, on, organism, aim, investigating, the, its, radiation, human
11. Составить предложение:
flight, manned, really, event, cosmic, a, is, remarkable, each, on,
spaceship, a.

12. Ответить на вопросы:
1. When was the first space satellite launched?
2. What is a satellite?
3. Who was the first cosmonaut in the world?

Вариант 2

1. Переведите текст:
The great scientists of Central Asia were not only outstanding
thinkers, who confirmed to the world faultless of their ideas on
understanding the Universe. Central Asia also had some of the remarkable
astronomers, who made careful observations under natural phenomena. Among
Samarkand's astronomers of the 15-th century was Ulugbek who made himself
famous by his observations needed for science. Having studied Astronomy
under famous scientists Ulugbek began intensively observing the sky. He
built enormous observatory in Samarkand. Observatory was equipped by the
most modern tools of that time.
2. Переведите слова и выражения:
scientists, outstanding thinkers, to confirm, faultless, the Universe,
remarkable, observations, intensively, enormous observatory, modern tools.
3. Переведите предложение:
Ученые Центральной Азии были не только выдающимися мыслителями, но и
замечательными астрономами.
4. Переведите предложение:
Обсерватория Улугбека в Самарканде была оборудована самыми современными
5. Выбрать правильный вариант:
Samarkand's astronomers achieved the great accuracy in their ......
a) ideas
b) observations
c) instruments
6. Выбрать правильный вариант:
The catalogue " Starry tables "contained ........ position of 1018 stars in
the sky.
a) precise
b) geographic
c) different
7. Вставить предлоги:
Astronomy was subject..... major concern ..... him.
8. Вставить предлоги:
Ulugbek's contemporaries were fascinated..... the magnificence ..... the
9. Вставить предлоги:
Ulugbek widely used definitions .... geographic coordinates .... different
places .... Central Asia .... practical purpose.
10. Составить предложение:
of, astronomers, known, all, world, were, works, the, Samarkand's, widely,
the, over.
11. Ответить на вопросы:
1) What was Ulugbek famous for?
2) What was the great achievement of Ulugbek in Samarkand?

Вариант 3

1. Переведите текст:

The Electric Current

When a conductor joins two points of different potential, electricity flows
from one to the other along the conductors until the potentials are equal.
This process is very rapid, and with good conductors is completed in a
fraction of a second. While it lasts, an electric current is said to flow
from one point to the other. By convention, the direction of the current is
said to be that from the higher to the lower potential, i.e. the direction
in which positive charges would travel, but actually, owing to their much
greater mobility, it is the negative electrons which move, and it is their
motion which constitutes the current.
2. Переведите на русский язык:
conductor, potential, rapid, direction, positive, charge, mobility, motion,
negative, current.
3. Переведите предложения:
1) Electricity flows from one potential to the other until the potentials
are equal.
2) An electric current flows from one point to the other.
3) The motion of the negative electrons constitutes the electric current.
4. Выбрать правильный вариант слова:
When a conductor joins two points of different potential... flows from one
to the other.
a) process
b) electricity
c) motion
5. Выбрать правильный вариант:
This process is very ... and is completed in a fraction of a second.
c) rapid
6. Выбрать правильный вариант:
The direction of the ... is that from the higher to the lower potential
a) current
b) electricity
c) charge
7. Закончить предложение: The electric current passing through a wire ....
a) will cool that wire
b) will heat that wire
8. Закончить предложение:
By connecting wires to the top and bottom discs Volta ....
a) was able to get electric current
b) was able to heat a conductor
9. Закончить предложение:
When an electric current flows along a conductor, ....
a) the latter becomes strong
b) the latter becomes heated
10. Составить предложение:
from, to, along, flows, potential, the, conductor, electricity, one, other,
11. Перевести на английский язык.
1) Направление тока осуществляется от высшего к низшему потенциалу.
2) Электричество течет от одного потенциала к другому, пока потенциалы
3) Именно движение отрицательных электронов образует электрический ток.

Вариант 4

1. Переведите текст:

Faraday's Experiment

Faraday knew from his long study of electricity that magnetism should be
able to produce a current, as well as vice versa. In spite of his various
failures, the idea of producing a current directly by magnetic action
remained firm in his thoughts. One of his friends said later how at this
period of his long life Faraday used to carry about with him in his pocket
a small rough model of electro-magnetic apparatus. This consisted simply of
an inch-long straight iron core with some turns of copper wire wound round
it. The basic idea he had in mind was this: if an electric current in a
wire can produce a magnetic effect, why should not a magnet near a
conducting wire produce an electric current?
2. Перевести на русский язык:
electricity, magnetism, various, directly, magnetic, action, really,
successful, immediately, reaction.
3. Переведите предложения:
1) Faraday knew that magnetism should be able to produce a current.
2) He had produced electricity through magnetism which had never been done
3) Faraday used to carry about with him a model of electromagnetic
4. Выбрать правильный вариант слова:
In spite of his various.... Faraday was sure that magnetism should be able
to produce a current.
a) failures b) purposes c) magnets
5. Выбрать правильный вариант:
Anyone who has a coil of wire, a.... magnet and a sensitive current
indicator may repeat Faraday's experiment.
a. ) big b) bar c) copper
6. Выбрать правильный вариант:
Amplifying the current, the scientist.... the necessary results
a) deflected b) got c) switched on
7. Закончить предложение:
Faraday's basic idea was that a magnet near a conducting wire should
a) on opposite sides of the ring b) able to produce an electric current
8. Закончить предложение: Faraday separated each turn.....
a) by string for insulation purposes b) fed from the battery
9. Закончить предложение: Faraday wound long coils of thin copper wire....,
a) he was disappointed b) on opposite sides of the ring
10. Составить предложение:
by, produce, wanted, electricity, Faraday, to, electromagnetism.
11. Перевести на английский язык:
1) Идея получения тока непосредственно действием магнита не оставляла его
2) Обычно Фарадей носил в кармане маленькую модель электромагнитного
12. Ответить на вопросы:
1) What was Faraday famous for?
2) What was his idea?
3) What can you say about a small model of electro-magnetic apparatus,

Вариант 5

1. Переведите текст:
The Discovery of Magnetic Induction.
The discovery in 1820 that there was a close connection between electricity
and magnetism was very exciting -until then, the two subjects had been
considered as quite independent. The first discovery was that currents in
wires make magnetic fields; then in the same year, it was found that wires
carrying current in a magnetic field have forces on them. In 1840 Faraday
discovered - electric effects exist only when there is something changing.
If one of a pair of wires has a carrying current, a current is induced in
the other, or if a magnet is moved near an electric circuit, there is a
current. We say that currents are induced.
2. Переведите слова и словосочетания:
Discovery, magnetic induction, wires, magnetic fields, current, electric
effects, induced, an electric circuit, connection, electricity and
3. Переведите предложения:
1) Electricity and magnetism subjects had been considered as quite
independent subjects.
2) If currents make magnetic fields, people suggested that magnets might
also make electric fields.
4. Выбрать правильный вариант:
For the atom to be electrically neutral, the number of protons must
be....... to that of
a) more b) equal c) less
5. Выбрать правильный вариант:
We know Isaac Newton to express the connection between........ and motion
in the form
of several laws.
a) electricity b) current c) force
6. Выбрать правильный вариант:
Before Faraday's discovery the only usable source of........ was the
galvanic battery.
a) electricity b) magnetism c) conduction
7. Закончить предложение:
Artificial magnets may be made by placing.........
a) a magnet to be magnetised into a battery
b) a piece of iron or steel to be magnetised into a coil
8. Закончить предложение:
Faraday wanted to produce electricity by.........
a) Electromagnetism b) electric circuit
9. Составить предложение:
Was, carrying, a, have, them, discovery, that, current, magnetic, forces,
the, wires, in, field, on.
10. Составить предложение:
A, electricity, and, had, as, was, between, magnetism, subjects,
considered, independent, there, connection, and, these, been, quite.
Вариант 6
1. Переведите текст:

Generating an Electric Current

Alessandro Volta, a professor of physics, established the true source of
the electric current. He demonstrated that it could be produced by the
action of dissimilar metals. In 1800 he developed the first electric
battery, a device known as a voltaic pile. Although he tried a number of
different materials he found that the best results were obtained when he
used silver and zinc as the two metals. The pile consisted of a series of
small disks of these and of cardboard, the latter having been soaked in a
salt solution.
2. Переведите слова и словосочетания:
source, dissimilar, device, a voltaic pile, silver, zinc, cardboard,
soaked, salt solution, series.
3. Переведите предложения:
1) The electric current could be produced by the action of dissimilar
2) A voltaic pile consisted of a series of small disks and of cardboard.
4. Выбрать правильный вариант:
Alessandro Volta established the true... of the electric current,
a) material
b) source
c) field
5. Выбрать правильный вариант:
During his experiments Volta developed the first electric...
a) battery
b) source
c) device
6. Выбрать правильный вариант:
By connecting... to the top and bottom discs Volta got electric current
a) discs b) wires c) bars
7. Закончить предложение:
An electric current is a flow of electrons along...
a) the particles were electrons
b) a metal wire or a conductor
8. Закончить предложение:
There are many measuring devices e. g....
a) galvanometers, voltmeters and others
b) slight changes every day
9. Закончить предложение:
The method of producing electricity directly from heat attracts...
a) problem of life
b) attention of scientists
10. Составить предложение:
that, current, produced, action, metals, demonstrated, the, could, by, of,
Volta, electric, be, the, dissimilar

II. Тексты для чтения и перевода.

Read and translate the texts:

Uzbekistan Chooses Its Way.

The proclamation of Independence on September 1-st 1991 was landmark
in the history of the Republic. Uzbekistan is a multi-national country
inhabited by more than 130 nations and nationalities.
Uzbekistan's present day economy is diversified consisting of
agricultural and manufacturing industries including the gas and oil
industries, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, coal and uranium fields,
engineering, cotton-ginning, textiles, canning and others. Uzbekistan
possesses the largest economic potential and highest growth figures amongst
the republics of Central Asia in both industrial and agricultural
development. An important place in the Republic of Uzbekistan's economy is
given to the rural sectors and especially the cotton growing industry.
Uzbekistan ranks 4th in the world's gross cotton yield stakes. The
substantial scientific-technical potential, both in the industrial and
agricultural development sectors, has been created in the Republic.
Uzbekistan maintains foreign trade connections with many countries in the
world, participates in various international exhibitions and festivals,
enjoys the memberships of many international organizations, banks and
funds. At present over 120 countries of the world have recognized the
Republic of Uzbekistan and diplomatic relations have been established with
more than 60 of them. In Tashkent - the capital of independent Uzbekistan -
there are 27 embassies, a UN mission and the opening of a further number of
embassies is planned. Broad opportunities have been opened up for the
involvement of the Republic in an international division of labour and for
the extension of foreign trade, ties having been obtained through
independence and sovereignty. Uzbekistan today has a developed
infrastructure. The total length of railroads is over 3.5 thousand
kilometers, connecting all the large economic centres of the Republic,
ensuring entry to the CIS and other countries. There are over 40 thousand
kilometers of highway. Uzbekistan is a Republic where traditions and
principles of world community are highly honoured and being a full member,
the Republic concentrates its efforts on the elaboration and realization of
independent economic and social policies directed at renewing life, the
intensive development of the national economy, the improvement of the
peoples' well-being and its rapid integration into the world economic
structure. The peoples of Uzbekistan look ahead with optimism.


The early information about our city you can find in ancient Eastern
annals of the 2 century- BC. Caravans going by the Great Silk Road passed
Chach (the ancient name of Tashkent). Convenient geographical position
favoured the city in its turning into the capital of the state.
At the end of the 10-th and the beginning of the 12-th century people
more often called Chach by another name - Tashkent, which means "Settlement
made of stone".
The monuments of medieval architecture harmonize with the modern
architectural constructions. This combination differentiates Tashkent from
many other cities. So does the hospitality, cordiality of Uzbek people.
Tashkent always welcomes guests. International meetings, symposiums,

conferences, festivals are held here. The city has many friends-sister
cities; Karachi,

Seattle, Tunis, Patiala, Birmingham. That's why Tashkent is considered to
be "the city of

friendship and brotherhood".
Today Tashkent - is the, capital of Uzbekistan, cultural center of the
country. There are 9 theatres, Conservatory, museums, such as Art Museum,
Museum of history of Uzbekistan. Tashkent has shady parks with queen
fountains, concert, art exhibition halls, stadiums, swimming pools,
libraries, gardens.
Opera and Ballet theatre named after Navoi looks like the palace from
the outside. The palace where music reigns. Plays are on here almost every
evening. And during a year the theatre presents 2-3 premiers at spectators'
disposal. The building was constructed in 1947. The figures of Uzbek
traditional monumental architecture are used in the facade decoration.
Exhibits in the exhibition hall of Uzbekistan Artists Union change
continually. Light, roomy halls are put not only at famous artists
disposal, but that of youths as well. There is an exhibition hall in the
centre of the city. It was opened in 1974.
While making a city tour in Tashkent, you cannot help paying attention
at the peculiarities of modern buildings. Each of them is the part of the
national culture. The facades of buildings are decorated with the elements
of national ornament. Architects try to take into account the national
traditions. For example, one of the blocks was built in a way neighbours
can easily contact with each other, using special galleries. Builders
create modern blocks trying to be close to the feel of makhalla
(community). The modern construction - TV tower is not standard. It is the
highest construction in Central Asia. And it is adjusted to the seismicity
9. Its height - 375 meters. On the height of 100 meter? and 220 metersthe
tower is girdled with telecasting station for 5 programs, broadcasting
station, meteorological station. There is also observation site, where you
can enjoy the magnificent view of the city, revealing bars and restaurant
here. At the restaurants you will be served with the dishes of Uzbek
cuisine. The interior is decorated with national paintings.
Tashkent is the only city in Central Asia, which has underground. The
construction of it started in 1973 and in 1977 the first line began to
operate. Tashkent Underground - it is 30 stations and they differ from each
other. Architectural and artistic decoration of station depicts its name.
The leading architects and artists of Uzbekistan took part in designing of
the stations. Underground is a favourite means of transport of people in
Tashkent. You can go to any part of the city in no time (The interval
between trains is 240 seconds ).

Great Britain.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland- this is the
official name of Great Britain. It is composed of the island of Great
Britain, the northeastern part of Ireland and multitude of small islands.
Great Britain separated from the European continent by the North Sea and
the English Channel. In the west the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea wash
Great Britain.
The Atlantic Ocean and the seas washing Great Britain as well as the
south western winds affect the climate of the country making it maritime
and damp.
The North and West of G. B. are mountainous. The Pennines located in
the central part of the island of G. B. stretch from north to south. Many
short rivers flow down the Pennines.
Northern Ireland presents a hilly extremity of the Central Plain.
The United Kingdom comprises England and Wales, which occupy the
greater part of the island of G. B., Scotland in the North of G. B., and
Northern Ireland situated in the north-east of Ireland.
The principal part of G. B. is England. Northern Ireland enjoys the
rights 0f an autonomous region. The territory of G. B. is divided into
counties - Lancashire, Yorkshire, etc.
The English nation arose as a result of the amalgamation of the native
population of the British Isles-Celts with the Germanic tribes of angles
and Saxons who repeatedly invaded Britain, and with the Normans who lived
in the North of France and conguered Britain in the middle of the 11-th
century. The present descendants of the Celts - Scotchmen, Welsmen and
Irishmen constitute less than one fifth of the total population of the
The population of G. B. speaks English.
G. B. is a country of highly developed culture. The eminent physicist
Newton, the famous naturalist Darwin greatly contributed to science, while
the works of great master of tragedy Shakespeare, the poet Byron and the
novelist Dickens enriched world literature and art.
G. B. is a highly developed industrial country. Coal-mining,
metallurgical, textile, shipbuilding, electrical engineering, automobile,
aircraft and chemical industries are of great importance for Britain.
G. B. - is a constitutional monarchy. The head of the state is the
king or the queen who ascend the throne by right of succession. The
Englishmen say of their monarchs: "They reign, but don't rule. "
The monarch's power is limited by the Parliament consisting of two
Chambers: the Chamber of Commons and the Chamber of Lords.
The Chamber of Commons is popularly elected and the Chamber of Lords
is composed of high-born nobility who hold their title by right of
The executive power is welded by the Cabinet presided by the Prime
Minister. The post of the Premier is filled by the leader of the party
which holds the majority in the Chamber of Commons.
There are two major parties in G. B. - the Conservative and the

The National Programme Of Personnel Training.

The National Programme of Personnel Training corresponds to provisions
of the Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education”, elaborated on
the basis of the analysis of national experience, proceeding from the world
achievements in the system of education and oriented on molding of new
staff generation with high common and professional culture, creative and
social activity, ability to orientate itself independently in socio-
political life, capable to put forward and solve perspective tasks.
The aim of the present programme is the fundamental reforming of
education system, elaboration of the national education system for training
of highly qualified personnel up to the level advance democratic states and
meeting the requirements of high spirit and morals.
The implementation of the aim demands the development of mutually
beneficial international collaboration in personnel training.
The international legal base for cooperation in for personnel training
is created, prior directions of international cooperation are being
realized, international education structures are developed, exchange of
scientific researches and teaching staff and students are widened. The base
for international recognition of national decree on education is prepared.
The activity of concerned Ministries and Departments, Embassies of
Uzbekistan for the sake of intensive attraction the direct and indirect
foreign investments for specialists training is intensified.

Revival of spiritual values and national self-consciousness.
No society can see its perspective without the development and
strengthening its spiritual potential, spiritual and moral values in
consciousness of people.
The cultural values of the nation, its spiritual heritage have been a
powerful source of spirituality for the peoples of the East during
millennia. In spite of rigid ideological pressure during a long period, the
people of Uzbekistan have managed to preserve their historical and cultural
values and their local traditions, that were carefully transferred from
generation to generation.
From the first days of our independence, the major problem, raised on
state policy level has been to revive that huge, invaluable spiritual and
cultural legacy that was formed by our ancestors during many centuries.
But we were aware that the simple deny of values of the former system
posed a danger of political and cultural extremism which did not imply any
creative programme. At the same time, spontaneous and thoughtless return to
the values, traditions and tenor of the past can lead to another extreme:
to the denial of modern life, to the denial of the necessity to modernize
the society.
Historical memory, restoration of an objective and truthful history of
the nation, native territory, territory of the state is given an extremely
important place in the revival and growth of national self-consciousness,
and if you agree also the national pride.
Historical experience, succession of traditions - all this should
become those values, on which new generations are brought up.
Static Electricity.
We shall give an account of the electrification of bodies in terms of
atomic structure. The atoms, normally containing equal numbers of electrons
and protons (units of negative and positive charges respectively), are
broken up, and electrons pass from one body to another, leaving the former
positively and the later negatively charged. This is not the normal
condition of matter, and at the first opportunity the positively charged
body acquires electrons and the negatively charged body expels electrons,
so as to recover the neutral state.

The Electric Current.
When a conductor joins two points of different potential, electricity
flows from one to the other along the conductor until the potentials are
This process is very rapid, and with good conductors is completed in a
fraction of a second. While it lasts, an electric current is said to flow
from one point to the other. By convention, the direction of the current is
said to be that from the higher to the lower potential, i. e. the direction
in which positive charges would travel, but actually, owing to their much
greater mobility, it is the negative electrons, which move, and it is their
motion, which constitutes the current. It is unfortunate that, before the
existence of electrons was thought of the conventional direction of the
current should have been wrongly chosen, but it is now too late to alter
the convention. The student must bear in mind that when a current is said
to flow from A to B, what actually happens is that electrons flow from B to

The existence of magnets shows that matter can be active. Everyone
knows something of the property of certain pieces of iron steel - and to a
smaller extent, cobalt and nickel- by which they can attract other pieces
of iron and steel and hold them up against gravity; and there is, in fact,
a naturally occurring oxide of iron, knows as "lodestone" which has the
same property. If we suspend a magnet by its center so that it hangs
horizontally, and then bring the end of another magnet near one of its
ends, we find that the suspended magnet is either attracted or repelled;
while if we present the other end of the second magnet to the same end of
suspended one, the reverse happens-there is either repulsion or attraction.
On the other hand, either end of the magnet will attract pieces of iron,
which are not magnets.
Magnetic Polarity.
We have here a behavior somewhat similar to that of electrified. The
magnitude of the force is again far greater than that of gravity; and there
is the same attraction and repulsion between bodies affected, and only
attraction between an affected and an unaffected body. We therefore speak
of positive and negative magnetization if we wish. We do not, however, use
these terms, but speak of two ends of the magnet as "north" and "south"
poles. The reason for this is that a freely suspended magnet always hangs
so that one end points approximately towards the north and the other
approximately towards the south, and if we disturb it, it always returns to
the position. We therefore speak of the north-speaking poles, and these
names are usually abbreviated to north (N) and south (S) poles.
Conductors And Non-Conductors.
The ease with which this is done depends on the atomic constitution of
the body. In some substances electrons move fairly easily, while in others
they find movement difficult. This difference is expressed by what is
called the electrical conductivity of the body. Substances through which
electrons move easily are called good conductors. Generally speaking, among
solids metals are good conductors and non-metals are poor conductors. If
materials are arranged in the order of their conductivity it is found
although there is no sudden transition from a group of very good to a group
of very bad conductors, the atoms are restored to their normal state as
fast as they are broken up, by the passage of electrons from the rod to the
Earth to the rod, as the case may require. (The Earth must be regarded as
containing free electrons and as being able to accommodate many more,
without, observably electrified, owing to its great size. Any electrified
body, whether charged positively or negatively, immediately becomes neutral
when connected with the Earth either directly or through a conductor. ) It
appears to be always the electrons that move, and not the positively
charged atoms (or 'ions', as they are called). This would be expected,
because of the much smaller mass of the electrons. If, however, a conductor
be held by an insulating handle, so that electrons cannot pass between it
and the hand. It also can be electrified by friction. In all experiments on
frictional electricity the apparatus used must be quite dry, otherwise any
electrification produced is destroyed, since moisture has conducting
Permanent Magnetism.
The electric current consists simply of electrons or ions traveling
round and round a circuit, and it may well be asked why, apart from the
general thirst for knowledge, we should be interested to constructing vast
machines in order to make invisible particles do the same thing over and
over again. Two reasons have already been given: we can use such a process
to produce chemical action, as in electrolysis and electroplating, and we
can use it to produce light and heat. The third, and the most important
reason of all, is that we can use it to produce magnetic force. It has
already been said that a circular current acts as a magnet, but before
considering the magnetic effects of a current in more detail we must
examine the properties of the so-called "permanent" magnets - pieces of
iron and steel which attract other pieces of iron and steel without any
obvious connection with electricity at all, although, as already stated, we
believe the force to be associated with the motion of electrons within the
Interpretation Of Magnetism.
We assume that an electron moving in an orbit is a small magnet. For
simplicity, suppose the orbit is a circle in plane of this sheet of paper,
and suppose the electron is revolving in a clockwise direction. Then the
upper side of the paper is a S-pole and the lower side is a N-pole. If
another similar orbit existed in a parallel plane just above the first,
there would therefore be attraction between them and the orbits would
approach one another, while if the second electrons were revolving in the
opposite direction to the polarity they would be reversed and there would
be repulsion. Each atomic electron revolving in its orbit is therefore a
small magnet, and the magnetic properties of observable bodies must be
expressed in terms of interaction of these intra-atomic magnets. Like the
assumption of the existence of elementary particles in atoms, this is not
orbitrary guesswork. We can experiment with electrically charged bodies of
observable size moving in orbits, and we can find that they do in fact
behave as magnets in the manner just described. It is therefore quite
reasonable to suppose that the elementary charges behave similarly, and
provide us with elements out of which we can build a satisfactory theory of
III. Вопросы для зачета и экзамена.

1. Where do you study?
2. What faculty do you study?
3. What can you say about your future speciality?
4. Who is your best friend?
5. Where does your father (mother, sister, brother) work (study)?
6. When does your working day begin?
7. What do you usually do in the morning?
8. What do you have for breakfast (dinner, supper)?
9. How do you get to the University?
10. Till what time are you busy at the University?
11. How do you spend your leisure time?
12. How often do you go to the cinema?
13. What music (books, films) do you like?
14. Do you watch any programs on T. V?
15. What subjects do you study at the University?
16. What is your favorite subject?
17. When and where were you born?
18. Where do you live?
19. Why did you decide to enter the University?
20. When will you be able to speak English fluently?
21. Who is your favorite writer (poet, actor, sportsman)?
22. What books of this writer do you like best?
23. What famous American, British and Uzbek writers do you know?
24. Is your family large or small?
25. How old are your parents?
26. Have you many relatives (aunts, uncles, cousins)?
27. How many seasons are there in the year and what are they?
28. When does it often rain?
29. When do trees begin to burst into leaf?
30. What holiday does our Republic celebrate in spring?
31. How do you spend your time in summer?
32. Do you listen to the latest news every day?
33. What for do you study English?
34. What is your native city?
35. What was the ancient name of Tashkent?
36. What are the friends-sister cities of Tashkent do you know?
37. How many theatres are there in Tashkent? What are they?
38. What places of interest in Tashkent do you know?
39. When was Exhibition Hall opened and where is it situated?
40. What can you tell about the T. V. tower?
41. How many stations are there in Tashkent Underground and when was it
42. What territory does the Republic of Uzbekistan occupy?
43. When did Uzbekistan become independent?
44. What does the independence for our Republic mean?
45. Where is Uzbekistan situated?
46. What is the climate of our Republic?
47. What can you say about the Constitution of our Republic?
48. Who is the President of Uzbekistan now?
49. How is the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan called?
50. What is the official name of Great Britain?
51. What parts does G. B. consist of?
52. What is the capital of G. B. ?
53. What sea separates G. B. from the European continent?
54. What climate has G. B. ?
55. What are the most important parts of London? Speak about each part.
56. Who is the Queen of G. B. ?
57. How is the residence of the Queen called?
58. What places of interest in London do you know?
59. Why do the Englishmen say about monarch's power: "They reign, but don't
rule. »
60. What do the Londoners say about their city?
61. Where is the official residence of the Prime Minister of England
62. What is Westminster Abbey?
63. What do you know about the parks of London?
64. What picture gallery is the largest in London?
65. What are the most famous Universities in G. B.?


1. Islom Karimov “Building the Future. Uzbekistan – its own model for
transition to a market economy”.
2. К. Иванова “English for students of electrical engineering”. Л. 1983.
3. З. Павлова “Сборник общенаучных и технических текстов на английском
языке”. М., Высшая школа, 1964.
4. В. М. Макеева “Английский язык” (для неязыковых вузов). М., Высшая
школа, 1968.


Пояснения к выполнению контрольных работ …………………………….. 3

Варианты контрольных работ ………………………………………………. 4

Тексты для чтения и перевода ……………………………………………… 10

Вопросы для зачета и экзамена …………………………………………….. 16

Реферат на тему: Методичка по Английскому языку для экономистов

Advertising Ideas

Advertising is impersonal, usually paid communication intended to
inform, educate, persuade, and remind.
Advertising is a sophisticated form of communication that must work
with other marketing tools and business elements to be successful.
Advertising must be interruptive — that is, it must make you stop thumbing
through the newspaper or thinking about your day long enough to read or
hear the ad. Advertising must also be credible, unique, and memorable in
order to work.
And finally, assuming the actual advertising is built upon a solid
positioning strategy, enough money must be spent to provide a media
schedule for ad frequency, the most important element for ad memorability.

History of Advertising
1. Introduction
Marketing is more than just distributing goods from the manufacturer
to the final customer. It comprises all the stages between creation of the
product and the after-market which follows the eventual sale. One of these
stages is advertising. The stages are like links in a chain, and the chain
will break if one of the links is weak. Advertising is therefore as
important as every other stage or link, and each depends on the other for
The product or service itself, its naming, packaging, pricing and
distribution, are all reflected in advertising, which has been called the
lifeblood of an organization. Without advertising, the products or services
cannot flow to the distributors or sellers and on to the consumers or
2. Early forms
Advertising belongs to the modern industrial world, and to those
countries which are developing and becoming industrialised. In the past
when a shopkeeper or stall-holder had only to show and shout his goods to
passers-by, advertising as we know it today hardly existed. Early forms of
advertising were signs such as the inn sign, the red-and-white striped
barber's pole, the apothecary's jar of coloured liquid and the
wheelwright's wheel, some of which have survived until today.
3. Effect of urban growth
The need for advertising developed with the expansion of population
and the growth of towns with their shops and large stores; mass production
in factories; roads and railways to convey goods; and popular newspapers in
which to advertise. The large quantities of goods being produced were made
known by means of advertising to unknown customers who lived far from the
place of manufacture.
Advertising grew with the development of media, such as the coffee-
house newspapers of the seventeenth century, and the arrival of advertising
agencies nearly 200 years ago, mainly to handle government advertising.
4. Advertising and the modem world
If one looks at old pictures of horse buses in, say, late nineteenth-
century London one will see that they carry advertisements for products
famous today, a proof of the effectiveness of advertising. Thus the modern
world depends on advertising. Without it, producers and distributors would
be unable to sell, buyers would not know about and continue to remember
products or services, and the modern industrial world would collapse. If
factory output is to be maintained profitably, advertising must be powerful
and continuous. Mass production requires mass consumption which in turn
requires advertising to the mass market through the mass media.
16. Advertising involvement
Although advertising is listed as a single element it is associated
with almost every other element, borrowing from them or interpreting them.
(a) The volume, emphasis and timing of advertising will depend on the
product life cycle situation. For instance, at the introductory or
recycling stages, the weight of advertising will be heavier than at the
maturity or decline stages.
(b) Marketing research will provide evidence of motives, preferences
and attitudes which will influence not only the copy platform or
advertising theme but the choice of media through which to express it.
(c) Naming and branding may be initiated by the advertising department
or agency, and clearly plays an important role in advertisement design.
(d) The product image will be projected by advertising.
(e) The market segment will decide the tone or style of advertising,
and the choice of media.
(f) Pricing can play an important part in the appeal of the copy. Is
the product value for money, a bargain or a luxury? Pricing can be a very
competitive sales argument. People are very price conscious.
(g) The product mix has many applications. In advertising, one product
may be associated with another, or each brand may require a separate
(h) Packaging can be a vital aspect of advertising, as when pack
recognition is sought. It is itself a form of advertising, especially at
the point-of-sale, as in a supermarket when the package often has to
identify the product and literally sell it off the shelf.
(i) Distribution involves trade advertising such as by direct mail, in
the trade press and at exhibitions.
(j) The sales force has to be familiarised with advertising campaigns
which will support their efforts in the field.
(k) Market education is a public relations activity aimed at creating
a favourable market situation in which advertising will work.
(1) Corporate and financial public relations often uses institutional
advertising in the business press.
(m) Test marketing requires a miniature advertising campaign
simulating the future national campaign.
(n) Advertising research includes copy-testing, circulation and
readership surveys and statistics, recall tests, tracking studies and cost-
per-reply and cost-per-conversion-to-sales figures.
(o) Sales promotion can augment or even replace traditional
(p) The after-market calls for advertising to make customers aware of
post-sales services.
(q) The maintenance of customer interest and loyalty may be achieved
by advertising which promotes additional uses and accessories, or simply

Advertising is used to create consumer interest in a product and also to
increase the sales of that product. It may be described under three
1 descriptive advertising;
2 persuasive advertising;
3 both descriptive and persuasive advertising together.
Descriptive advertising
This type of advertising gives the most: important facts about the product.
It is the cheapest form of advertising and is used a lot by the small
trader selling through the local paper. It will usually say:
1 what the product is;
2 how much it will cost;
3 where it may be obtained.
Example: 1972 Ford Escort Ј500. Telephone London 1234.
Persuasive advertising
This type of advertising tries to persuade people that the product which is
being advertised has a special quality or usefulness which makes it much
better than other similar products. It is used a lot in television
advertising where consumers arc persuaded to think that if they buy that
product they will become very popular or very happy. This is a
psychological approach, and it is hoped by the advertiser that people will
be persuaded to buy the product. The method uses 'association of ideas'.
Brand names such as Guinness and Oxo are used in persuasive advertising.
Example: 1983 Ford Capri Ј2000 - good condition - low mileage, a bargain,
first to see will buy this attractive car.
Advertising media
There are both national newspapers and local newspapers. Advertising in the
national press is usually much more expensive than advertising in the local
press. Both types of advertising are sold by the column centimetre, the
half page and the page. A page in a national newspaper may cost many
thousands of pounds for one day. This is because national newspapers have
very large circulations (they are read by a lot of people).
Television advertising in Great Britain is controlled by the Television Act
1954. It is the most expensive kind of advertising and costs many thousands
of pounds (on a national network) for just a few seconds of television
time. Charges are made by the second. If the advertisement is shown at a
time when relatively few people are watching, then it will be cheaper. If
it is shown - at a time when many people are watching (peak viewing time)
then the charges are much higher. Television advertising is mostly used by
large organizations and the nationalized industries.
This kind of advertising is much cheaper than television advertising. It is
very popular in the United States. The most popular radio station in Europe
is Radio Luxembourg, which carries a lot of commercial advertising. In
Great Britain radio advertising is usually carried by local independent
radio stations.
Hoarding advertisements are usually put up in eye-catching positions at the
side of the road. The cost of the advertisement will depend on where the
hoarding is and how large it is. If it is in a very good position and near
the centre of the city where it will be seen by many potential customers,
then it will probably be quite expensive. The sites are usually rented out
to clients on a monthly basis by an advertising agency.
These are quite often used by local traders to advertise their goods and
services. They are expensive in labour costs and are not very effective.
The inside and outside of buses, trains, vans and other kinds of public
transport are used in transport advertising. The most expensive position is
where the advertisement is most likely to be seen by the public such as the
back of a bus or the inside of a bus, especially at the front where the
potential customer will be seated looking at it. The most inexpensive
position is upstairs on the bus or at the back inside the bus. It is
difficult to tell whether transport advertising is effective.
The cinema screen is used for advertising by local and national traders.
Like transport advertising, it is difficult to judge how effective cinema
advertising is.
Neon displays
These are mostly used by large firms. The signs are usually displayed in
city centres.
Technical journals
These are mostly used as an advertising medium by large manufacturing and
distributing companies. They are read by persons and companies who are
interested in this particular kind of product, and the journals will also
contain other information that is useful to the readers. Technical journals
are usually printed once a month. Examples are The Hairdresser, The Radio
and Television Magazine and the Farmers Live Stock Journal. Advertising in
technical journals is a very good method of advertising.
Trade fairs and shows
The Motor Show, the Boat Show, the Radio Show and the Ideal Homes
Exhibition are a few examples of trade fairs and shows. Dairy products may
be advertised at agricultural shows. Aircraft may be advertised and
displayed at the Farnborough Air Show. The disadvantage is that the shows
and exhibitions are expensive to organize.
It is very difficult for advertisers to tell whether a particular
advertisement or method of advertising has been effective, but there is no
doubt that without advertising the customer would never hear of some
products. Perhaps the most effective advertising of all is the
recommendation of the product by a satisfied customer to a potential
customer – advertising by word of mouth.
The language of advertising
Here are some methods used in persuasive advertising. Read them
quickly. Decide which appeal to you and which don’t. Now think of an
example for each type from your country.
persuasive advertising
1. Repetition The simplest kind of advertising. A slogan is
repeated so often that we begin to associate a brand name
with a particular product or service.
2. Endorsement A popular personality is used in the
3. Emotional appeal Advertising often appeals to basics such
as mother-love, sex, manliness, feminity.
4. Scientific authority Sometimes the advert shows a person
in a white coat (i.e. a scientist) telling us about the
product. More often it mentions “miracle ingredients” or
“scientific testing” to persuade us.
5. “Keeping up with the jones’s” An appeal to pure snob
value. You want to appeal to be richer or more successful
than your neighbours.
6. Comparison The advert lists the qualities of a product in
direct comparison with rival products.
7. An appeal to fear or anxiety This type is similar to 3,
but works on our fears.
8. Association of ideas This is usually visual. Until it
became illegal in Britain, cigarette advertising showed
attractive, healthy people smoking in beautiful rural
9. Information If a product is new, it may be enough to show
it and explain what it does.
10. Special offers/free gifts This is a very simple and
direct appeal – it’s half a price!
11. Anti-advertising This is a modern version which appeals
to the British sense of humour. It makes fun of the
techniques of advertising.

Do you agree that the only background for the problems with brand names
would be:
- wrong pronunciation;
- wrong association;
- wrong translation.

Types of advertising
1. Scope of advertising
Advertising serves many purposes and many advertisers, from the individual
who places a small classified advertisement in his local newspaper to the
big spender who uses networked TV to sell popular brands to the nation's
2. Types
It is possible to identify seven main categories of advertising, namely
consumer, industrial, trade, retail, financial, direct response and

Consumer advertising
3. Different kinds
There are two kinds of goods bought by the general public, consumer goods
and consumer durables, which together with consumer services are advertised
through media addressed to the appropriate social grades.
4. Consumer goods
These are the numerous goods to be found in the shops, those which enjoy
repeat sales like foods, drinks, confectionery and toiletries being called
Fast Moving Consumer Goods, (FMCGs).
5. Consumer durables
Usually more expensive and less frequently bought, consumer durables are of
a more permanent nature than consumer goods and include clothes, furniture,
domestic appliances, entertainment goods like radio, television and video,
and mechanical equipment from lawn-mowers to motor-cars.
6. Consumer services
They include services for security and well-being like banking, insurance,
investment, repairs and maintenance, and those more to do with pleasure
such as hotels, restaurants, travel and holidays.
7. Social grades
The social grades system makes it possible to identify certain groups of
people—prospective buyers—and then to pinpoint the media which will reach
them most effectively.
8. Media of consumer advertising
The media of consumer advertising will tend to be those with wide appeal,
and even when more specialist journals such as women's magazines are used
they will still have large circulations. In fact, the term 'consumer press'
is applied to the publications which are displayed for sale in newsagents
shops, on news-stands and on newspaper vendors' pitches'
Most of the trade, technical and professional journals have other forms of
distribution such as special orders placed with newsagents, postal
subscription or free postal controlled circulation. Controlled circulation
are not to be confused with membership or subscription magazines. They are
mailed (free of charge) to selected readers plus those who have requested
In Britain there are also hundreds of 'free' local newspapers which are
delivered door-to-door every week. With saturation coverage of urban areas
they provide good advertising media for many local businesses.
The primary media of consumer advertising are the press, radio, television,
outdoor and to a limited extent cinema, supported by sales literature,
exhibitions and sales promotion. We should not forget sponsorship,
especially the sponsorship of many popular sports which in turn can be
supported by arena advertising at the sports venue.

Industrial advertising
9. Purpose
The purpose of industrial advertising is twofold:
(a) to promote sales of equipment and services used by industry—machinery,
tools, vehicles, specialist consultancy, finance and insurance come within
this category;
(b) to promote sales of raw materials, components and other items used in
industrial production—under this heading come metals, timber, plastics,
food ingredients, chemicals and parts for assembly into finished equipment
from watches to aircraft.
Hardly any of these products and services will be bought by consumers,
except as replacements as when a motor-car needs a new battery or tyres.
Unless the formula or specification is stated, consumers will be unaware of
most industrial products.
10. Media of industrial advertising
The suppliers of services, equipment, raw materials and components will
usually advertise in media seldom seen by the general or consumer public.
The media used will consist of trade and technical journals, technical
literature and catalogues, trade exhibitions, direct mail, and technical
demonstrations and seminars. Technical journals will have smaller
circulations than the consumer press, and exhibitions will tend to have
fewer exhibitors and smaller attendances than public exhibitions open to
the general public; in fact, admission is usually by ticket or business
card. The amount of money spent on advertising will be far less, and there
may be more reliance on market education using public relations techniques
such as video documentaries, external house journals and technical feature

11. Special characteristics
Industrial advertising differs in yet another way. Whereas consumer
advertising may be emotive, industrial advertising has to be more detailed
and informative, although not unimaginative. Trade journals provide
valuable international market-places for thousands of products and
services, maintaining sales of long-established ones and introducing new
Public relations activities, while not to be regarded as free advertising,
may be more effective and economical, especially when the need is to
educate the market and create knowledge and understanding.

Trade advertising
12. Definitions
Trade advertising is addressed to distributors, chiefly wholesalers,
agents, importers/exporters, and numerous kinds of retailers, large and
small. Goods are advertised for resale.
13. Purpose
The purpose of trade press advertising is to inform merchants and traders
about goods available for resale, whether it reminds them about well-
established brands, introduces new lines or, as is often the case,
announces special efforts to help retailers sell goods, e.g. price
reductions, better trade terms, new packages, consumer advertising
campaigns or sales promotion schemes. Such advertising invites enquiries
and orders and also supports the advertiser's field salesmen when they call
on stockists.
14. Media of trade advertising
The trade press may or may not be used for this kind of advertising. There
could be a mix of two or three media addressed to the trade. Direct mail is
often used, especially when it is necessary to provide a lot of information
such as consumer advertising campaign schedules giving dates and times when
and where advertising will be taking place in the press or on radio and/or
Another useful medium is the trade exhibition, sponsored by a trade
magazine or trade association, which will be attended by distributors. Some
of the larger exhibitions may also be open, or open on certain days, to the
general public as well, e.g. motor-car and furniture exhibitions.
Occasionally, commercial television time may be bought to tell retailers
about new lines, or retailers may be mailed to tell them that consumer
advertising campaigns are about to appear on TV.
15. Special characteristics
Since the object of trade advertising is to encourage shopkeepers (whether
large chains or one-man businesses) to stock up the product (especially to
achieve adequate distribution in advance of a consumer advertising
campaign), emphasis will be placed on the advantages of so doing. The
advantages will be higher sales and more profits, and the appeal will be to
the retailer's desire to make money. In so doing, trade advertising will
also have to compete with the 'selling-in' activities of rival
Trade advertising will be seen as part of the total advertising campaign
for the product and so will be produced by the same advertising agency that
handles the consumer adver

Новинки рефератов ::

Реферат: Волны Элиота. Теория этногинеза Льва Гумилева. (Социология)

Реферат: Функции менеджмента: планирование, организация, мотивация и контроль (Менеджмент)

Реферат: Навчальний експеримент у системі вивчення фізики в середній школі (Физика)

Реферат: Глоссарий по теме: "Теории личности" (Философия)

Реферат: Государственное устройство (Теория государства и права)

Реферат: Социальная стратификация и социальная мобильность (Социология)

Реферат: Косово 1999 (История)

Реферат: Олимпийские виды спорта. Лыжный спорт (Спорт)

Реферат: Розробка та виконання програм на мові Pascal (Программирование)

Реферат: Несчастные случаи (Трудовое право)

Реферат: Диагностика одаренных детей (Педагогика)

Реферат: История России 20век (История)

Реферат: Бизнес-план (Менеджмент)

Реферат: Образование 19в в Казани (История)

Реферат: Билеты и ответы по туризму и экскурсиям (Туризм)

Реферат: Семейная социализация как процесс формирования социально-компетентной личности (Социология)

Реферат: Автоматизация неразрушающего контроля на сложных технологических объектах (Компьютеры)

Реферат: Базы знаний (Философия)

Реферат: Великая Хартия вольностей 1215 г. (История)

Реферат: Ценообразование (Маркетинг)

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