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Реферат: My favorite writer (Иностранные языки)

My favorite writer

Anton Kondrashow form 8 B

Minsk 2003
I'm fond of reading. Usually I borrow books from the library, but I have
a lot of them at home, too. I like to read books about the history of our
country, about famous people and the life of my contemporaries abroad.
Literature means much in my life. It helps to form the character and the
world outlook, to understand life better. My favoririte English writer is
Daniel Defo : he was the founder of the realistic novel. He was also a
brilliant journa-list and in many ways the father of modern English
periodicals. He founded and paved the way for many magazines ( "The Revue",
"The Spectator"). DD was born in London, his father a butcher, was wealthy
enough to give his sone a good education. D was to become a prist, but it
was his cheariched desire to become wealthy. His wished was never
fullfield. D was banckrote several times. He was always in deep debt. The
inly branch of business in which he proved succesful was journalism and
literature. When D was about 23 he started writting pamphlets on question
of the hour. He started writting pamphlets prassing King William 3, who was
supported by the whig party. D wrote a setire in woth. No matter in whose
defends his brilliant pamphlets were written they are irony was so subtle,
that the enemy didn't understand it at first. But as soon as his enemy
realised the real character of the pamphlets D was sentensed to 7 years
inprisonment. It was a cruel punishment, and when the came for him to be
set free people carried him on their shoulders.. This was the climax of his
political career and the end of it. In 1719, he tried his hand at another
kind of literature - fiction, and wrote the novel he is now best known:
"Robison Crusoe". After the book was published, D became famous and rich
and was able to pay his creditors in full. Other novels which D were also
very much talked about during his lifetime, but we do not hear much about
them now. For example "Captain Singleton"(1720), "Moll Flanders"(1722). My
famous book is Robinson Crusoe : It was about Scotish sailor, who lived
quite alone 4 years and 4 month on a desert island. Defoe's hero, however
spend 26 years on a desert island. The novel was a prase tohuman labour and
the triumph the men over the nature. Labour and fortitude help Robinson to
endure hardships. They save him from dispair. The very process of hardwork
gives his satisfaction. R's most characteristic tract is his optimism. His
guiding prencipal in life was: "never said die" and "in trouble to be
troubles is to have your trouble double." In his book Defo deseccribes
adventures of people take risks. His books tought us to be clever and
brave. There are many famous people in our republik. First of all I'd like
to mention the name of our outstanding national writers Yanka Kupala and
Yakub Kolas. They created a new Belarusian Literature and a Belarusian
literatury language. Both are considered to be the classics of Belorusian
literature. These names are followed by a number of other well-known
writers and poets, such as K.Krapiva, Brovka, Tank, Byikov, Korotkevich,
Gilevich, Adamovich known both in our country and abroad. Their names are
sure to become history whatever it may be.
I like to read books very much !!!

Реферат на тему: My ideal holidays

My ideal holidays.

It was a madly fervent summer. I looked at the clear sky and screwed up my
eyes from the baking rays. Then I caught up a straw bonnet & jumped on the
scorching sand. It remained only to go up a hill, pass a wicket and here
it is - an alluring river. I ran down to it, shedding clothes as I went
and dipped into with run, crying with joy & laughing. I swam deeper and
deeper; until water became cold then I opened my eyes and admired the
shoal of fishes, flashed by me. At last a sandbank appeared. I climbed up
it & felt myself as Robinson Crusoe on a desert island. Holding my nose
and breath I fell to water by the back. It was an amazing feeling, it
seemed that the sun fell with me. I lay easy and looked through the water
at my hands with interest. “Probably, there are the same islands in heaven
and angels are walking there now”-I thought.
Suddenly I saw somebody’s eyes right over mine. Taking aback, I gave a
start and let the air out. “Sorry if I scared”- said an absolute angel-“I
just thought you may get a bad sunburn”. “Under water?”- I smiled and had
a fit of coughing suddenly. “Oh, it seems to me you have got your mouth
full of water, it will be better to get back”. The stranger put my arms
around his neck and began to swim slowly. His golden hair smelt of
freshness and forest. “Probably the angel came down to earth in order to
bring me home”- I thought to myself.

Family & marriage.

Oh God! What a pleasure to love out in the open & bear the name of
your precious… and children, the pledge of your love, are its new bonds.
If you meet the same marriage, so dear alliance, you can consider, that it
is the paradise on earth. But it shall be ruefully to sell your freedom,
good name & status under the treaty, bend them in despot's will. The main
despot’s servant is quarrels, then you begin to avoid each other day by
day…spend nights without love…live without hope… waste away in a deep
suffering - the same marriage is the hell of our life.
There are many reasons, which prevent women to make a family. One of
them is the unrequited love. It can be a strong & long-lived passion for a
man, who doesn’t reciprocate. He can live at another world's end, to be
married or a confirmed bachelor, young or old, but she will wait for him
fondly and believe. In reality, a woman, getting caught in an endless loop
on the only one man, has a neurotic disorder that had no connection with
real love.
What marriage means for me.
On the one hand, our body has its own physical wishes, but on the other-
our mind & conscience, which form the basis of our character. I think we
can call out our best qualities in marriage, if we control our physical
wishes, for ex. to raise a hullabaloo or burst into tears. What for me, I
can hardly fight back my tears, that’s why can easily say that I’m a
weeper, but the worst for me to see my friend’s tears, not to speak of my
sister’s crying after quarrel with her husband. So, the musician’s talent
calls out it best, when he wields his instrument. The instrument isn’t a
source of his talent, but only a way of its expression. Similarly, a
human’s body isn’t a source of love, but it’s the means of show his worth.
And the real man must have his man’s qualities in addition to his body &
muscles. It also concerns of women.
A real happy marriage, as I see it, consist of people, who understand it
and can save their love.

Tyrtyshnaya M.

Air crash.

It was too late, when I understand what happened.
My relatives waited for me on the Christmas in Ufa and I knew I had a long
flight ahead of me. Our flight promised to be routine. All of passengers
wanted to taste that greatly praised beef, but I didn’t order anything,
because I’ve had a heavy meal this afternoon. Pretty airhostesses ran
around with food trays from the galley. Later I was impatient to go to loo
(lavatory), but when I came back I felt the easy swaying. Children cried
and somebody was very fearful. At first sight it seemed to me that they
got airsick together. I went alone the aisle and proffered help. But soon
I dug, that there was another reason. It happened because of that beef,
which got out of order. I said to the hostess: “Tell me the worst at
once!”(Скажите мне худшее сразу). And she told, that our first pilot just
has had a spoil food from the galley and so he can’t keep the wheels now”.
I exclaimed: “But what’s up with people?” “May be it’s the same with
them…”-the hostesses supposed-“will you kindly hold a medicine chest,
please? What sort of devilry is this?” -she was continuing to talk to
Of course, I didn’t believe her. And I decided to find out everything
myself. I knew, that there was a co-pilot there. Then I found him out in
the pilot’s cabin, he stumbled over a footstep and fallen. “What’s a safe
flight?”-I said with irritation. Suddenly I heard the intense alarm and
voice of radio operator, probably the first pilot contacted ground
control. It happened a small air crash with us, because we hit in air-
pocket. We shook & jumped in the air during 30 minutes. The plane gained
height. At that time panic began to spread, half of the people ran around
& sobbed and didn’t let to attend to the sick. Sometimes I felt sick, but
I collected myself.
Suddenly the concrete runway flashed by my eyes and we finally touched the
ground. And only then I understood, that we had a blind flying during the
whole 30 minutes!!!
“It is all over now”, -I thought. I was wrong. We suddenly stopped to
circling and screeched to a halt.
It was a miracle for all people and for me. All I can remember then were
ambulances, next to the plane and my mother’s face, next to me in our
house in Ufa.
Well, I was about to think, that it was my last Christmas Eve.

A reasonable wife! If you want your husband to spend his spare time with
you, then you mast make sure in order he couldn’t find so much pleasure,
modesty & tenderness elsewhere.


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Реферат: Антивирусные программы (Программирование)

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